Sunday 28 December 2014

Winter Wonder Reset

His transmission is as fine & pure as the most pristine snowflakes ...
Wow - what a wonderful start to this year's Winter Seminar here with John!  Within moments of him sitting in his chair on stage, his transmission began to fill the entire room so powerfully, that even though I was sitting in the last row at the very back, I could still feel it so strongly and so wonderfully ... 

With no time to get Blogaliscious on Tuesday, this week's Post comes to you a few days early with Day One of this seminar already providing some super snippets for you.  This first snippet comes part way through the very first meeting yesterday afternoon where John answered the question, "What do you mean by 'life'?":

"The energy of form,
the being-energy of form;
the energy of consciousness."

A little later on, the questioner was speaking of feeling the need to somehow create his future and wondering whether that had to do with relaxing into what was next in his life, to which John responded:

"You are the essence of that relaxation
when you particularize Knowing
with the use of your being
instead of with the use of your self."

John then spoke of doing that when everything on the surface in life is "in service to what you Know but cannot see," and when the questioner asked what that looks like, he answered softly:

"It doesn't 'look like.'
It has to do with what you Know
but cannot see."

The questioner went on to ask how to know when such doing would be enough, and John said:
 "When you are staid in what 
you Know but cannot see 
in the midst of all that you can see."

Later, that same powerful first meeting, I loved hearing John speak of how the events of life belong to one's being and when the questioner asked how to come from his being, John replied:

"By you being a continuum
that isn't based on forms
as you see them."

And the last snippet for you today comes from yesterday's evening meeting:

"Your being doesn't have likes and dislikes;
it can't relate to them.
Whatever environment or circumstance
that you put your being in,
when your being moves, you love." 

Dear ones, you can perhaps tell that the start of this seminar portends an entirely magical and super good Winter Wonder Reset.  If you cannot be here, I'm sure you'll be able to purchase some CDs (and maybe some podcasts & VODs) from the John de Ruiter website's online store later on.  
And of course, you always have what you Know  to relate to ... to love ... to belong to ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Winter Dialogue with John

John de Ruiter
Yay!  Today I do indeed get to upload another new Podcast, from a dialogue which got recorded in November.  There is really so much in this particular dialogue, that I hardly know what to say about it.  Yet although many juicy things get discussed - including the soul and how it links to what we Know - there's a lot of emphasis on what is most important for us as awareness to be attuning to, and about not fooling oneself ...  
Without further ado, to hear this latest offering, simply click here.

Until next time,

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Being Still of Doing

John de Ruiter
Last night's meeting was enjoyable in multiple ways and I loved hearing everything John spoke.  Here's some snippets, starting with John's response, part way through the meeting, to the question, "Can you tell me what love is?":

"Openness of heart without an object.
Softness of heart without a reason.
Put love in pain and it thrives.
Put love in a corrupted past and it thrives.
Love won't reference what it is put in.
Love is free of everything,
enabling it to be in everything."
"You are not a 'who.'
At your very core
(you are) Meaning,
and when that moves, Love.
When Meaning moves, it's Love."
"When Meaning moves
the scale of doing doesn't move.
Doing to be
has no real existence."
"When you are still of doing;
when you're not doing to be,
you are
Love is unaccomplished.
It isn't able to relate to accomplishing.
What you are isn't able to relate to accomplishment.
It isn't able to accomplish freedom.
It can't even relate to freedom.
It's the essence of it
without the point of it."

Best of all, as usual, was John's lovely transmission throughout, which I loved bathing in and imbibing, as well as just looking at his beautiful stillness and ITness ...  And I do have to mention something pretty humorous which occurred near the start of the meeting last night.  The questioner was having a hard time understanding "what's going on here" and at one point, in describing what he sometimes sees happening to a person in the Chair, he was wondering whether John maybe had a little button under his foot (in the floor) which he sometimes pressed, so that the person in the Chair then "got electrified" (there were quite a few giggles from the audience as he spoke such things).  To my great delight, as soon as he said that, John raised his right foot a few inches and purposefully pressed it back to the floor, in perfect imitation of depressing a little button!  What a beautiful mix of deep beingness, deep restedness, unconditional Love and sprinkling of twinkly humour ...

And I can almost promise (I'm pretty sure) that next week I'll have a new podcast to upload! 
Meanwhile, the Blog door is wide open once more to receive your contributions.  Simply type any question you may have for John, in the form of a comment below, thank you.

Until next time,

Monday 8 December 2014

Pure John

John de Ruiter
I've just come away from recording another dialogue with John - yes now there are two recent dialogues in the works to look forward to! - and it was, as always, divine and other-worldly to be with him ...  At times all there was in that room was, pure John.

Now back home and glancing through my little meeting notebook, I found some sweet snippets for you from the meeting on Monday 24 November:

"Your self doesn't need to die
for you to be meaning.
Your dependency on your self for meaning
needs to pass away."
"Meaning is what you really are.
You are that before you have a self  
and you don't need a self for you to be that."

And a little from yesterday's afternoon meeting, when John took the questioner deeper within, and then they asked him, "Where are we?"  To which he replied:

"In a better place
than what you're used to."

Then they asked him, "Can I do something more?" and he said,

"No, I am."   
And a few minutes deeper/later, he said:

"The more I do in This,
the more you Know in This."  

Yes, dear John, he does so much, so smoothly and so subtly, so powerfully and so wonderfully!

And dear Ones, do you realize that the wondrous Winter Seminar is only two and a half week's away?!  Click here for more information on attending this not-to-be-misseed event!  And apologies for this Post being a day early; I've no time to do it tomorrow!
Until next time,

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Be One with What You Know

John de Ruiter
A couple of weeks ago in Hamburg, John spoke about how the ability to function normally in physical reality is the same ability "to be One...":

"Awareness in response to Knowing,
within unseen reality;
within non-physical reality,
isn't more difficult in the unseen
than in the seen.
It isn't more difficult
in what is completely not physical,
than it is in the physical.
What makes it work in the physical 
is your response to Knowing.
It's the same 
and it's only the same,
that works in the unseen."
"You adhere to Knowing
within physical reality
because the consequence of not,
is physical.
The Truth within is so easily taken for granted
because the consequence of not 
isn't physical.
We are multi-levelled awareness,
able to be one with what we Know
in physical reality,
while at the same time,
separate from what we Know 
in unseen reality.
The consequence of that,
though not physical,
is dire.
The dire consequence
is that you are then existing in physical reality 
not being Oneness." 

The above snippet is from the same meeting I recommended two weeks' ago, from the evening meeting on 14 November.  Since his return, John has been providing us Edmontonians with a very strong and exquisite transmission during the meetings, strengthening my ability to live what I love the most, in my daily living.  It's like I'm swimming against the tide of what this world is all about as I fall deeper and deeper in love with those unseen deeper currents...

The recent dialogue with John is in the works and with luck I'll be uploading it soon, meanwhile there is another one scheduled for Monday next week.  If you'd like to send in any questions for that, please do so by clicking on the 'comments' below.  And a little reminder, to please keep your questions fairly concise, thank you!

Until next time,