Tuesday, 29 April 2014

"When you Know you go ..."

The title of this week's Post comes from something John said just last night in the cafe when he sat at my table for a precious forty minutes or so.  He was speaking about not hesitating or trying to understand something first when it comes to the movement of Knowing I love the simplicity and directness of that statement.  It was lovely to listen to him answering our questions, but more than that, I enjoyed just drinking him in, in cellular fashion and getting  'drunk' quick.  It's all getting rather quantum around here, especially after the Spring Seminar we just had.  As such, it's not so easy to speak about how it was except to say that it was the most powerful yet, stirring up the deeper levels in Us and provoking new (and often uncomfortable) bodily experiences.  About mid-way through the Seminar, towards the end of the meeting, John fell silent and his transmission began to fill the room with something so different, I can only call it beyond the beyond.  Indeed, he later confirmed the newness of what he had brought in and that it was even beyond Greater Reality.  Really, quite the download! 

And here are a few more snippets for you from the Seminar:

  "Trust isn't fundamental to you,
trust is fundamental 
where there is honest thought."
"Trust is deep.
Love exceeds and satisfies trust."
"Trust satisfies possibility.
Love satisfies you.
Love isn't a level of you,
it is what moves all of you."
There was a little party on the last night of the Seminar and John spoke of the wonderful opportunity afforded us by being in form in terms of our evolution.  He said it wasn't exactly like this but something like this: that how much we can evolve in ten years in form, would take us something like ten thousand years without such form.  He said that after we die we can only Know (unlike now, when we have the option to cover what we Know), and so then we would be willing to come back and experience even the most tortured life, just to have that opportunity (to evolve).  Ponder that over your toast and coffee!!  

Finally, there will indeed be another dialogue coming up with John so you've still got a little time to send in any more questions.  Thank you!
Until next time,

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Snippets on the Run . . .

snip snip
Dear Ones,
Wow - what a seminar!  And I'm on the run to the evening meeting - so today I thought I'd simply offer you some more golden snippets from John from this amazing seminar so far:

"When you open, you see.
When you soften, you love."
"Your self is there to give accurate form
to your own being,
that is your self being
fundamental change."
"The purification of your self
is really complex
and you experience every little bit of it."
"Your self will innocently be
whatever you're being."
"When you are most deeply in
what you Know in your heart,
you love."

Undoubtedly more snippets from John next week.  Meanwhile, look out for CDs from this seminar on the John de Ruiter website, just click here to go right to it.

Until next time,

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Buckle your seat belt Dorothy 'cos Kansas is going bye bye ...

The title of this week's Post, as most of you will know, is a line from that most brilliant of movies, The Matrix, where Cypher informs Neo that he's about to see that nothing is what he thought it was ...  I happened to watch The Matrix again just the other day and although it was maybe the sixth time I've seen it, I still marvel at it and how much Truth it contains.  Interestingly someone also just sent in a question for John about it (see the comments under last week's Post).  Anyhow, I thought it an appropriate title given that we are about to buckle up, so to speak, for the Spring Seminar.  I almost have tingles over this Seminar and I can't rationally explain it except to say that it's just going to be something else.  There's always a kind of building during successive seminars with John, as he moves us en masse ever forward, leaving behind what we know and moving us into the brand new ...  It's an opportunity for more and more and more ... and I'm so ready for it.  So, whilst there are no actual seat belts on the chairs in the meeting hall at Oasis, if there were I'd be recommending that you use them and, buckle up.

Until next time,

PS Did you know that The Matrix is also John's favourite movie?

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Love ... Beyond

It's a bit like this in the Chair sometimes!
I'm happy to say that John is back this weekend and meetings will resume here in Edmonton this Friday.  However, with the new webcasts, we now have the opportunity to view the meetings overseas live, and I managed to catch the last one from Israel on Sunday.  It was so good to connect with him and here are some snippets from that meeting:

"Like what you know in your heart,
that puts you into your heart.
When you love what you know in your heart
you are pouring into the portal;
the portal in your heart that is to your being."
" While you're going through difficulty,
while your self is stressed,
like knowing that you have a being -
it opens you."

I'm sure that the retreat in Israel was lovely and of course the Spring Seminar starts next week on the 17th April and for more information on that just click here.

It feels to me like we're in for a juicy time here in the coming months with lots more available in the meetings through John.  There's no doubt that he brings such potent Goodness and an amazingly high level of teaching.  A few weeks ago, I was in the Chair and I received something like a quantum  blast furnace type of cellular clean out!  It certainly was a powerful experience and afterwards when I spoke about how he'd just helped me, he corrected me by saying that he didn't help me, he'd loved me.  When I said that it felt more quantum John nodded and I added that it had seemed beyond love to me and I asked him, "so was it love - or beyond?"  His answer: "Love ... beyond."  Yes, that's John; that's what he brings us and that's where he's able to take us ...

I'm anticipating another dialogue with him pretty soon, so if you've got any questions you'd like to send in, you've still got time to do so.

Until next time,

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

What you most deeply and quietly love

 It's been a difficult week and meeting up with friends on Sunday and watching a live broadcast of John from the Netherlands together, was a dear event.  Below are some snippets from that meeting on Sunday where John was speaking of the love that moves the deeper levels within and how that deeper level love would ultimately change everything in the accustomed self:

"The cost of this movement is actual,
in everything that you're familiar with in your self.
Everything that it moves through of familiarity
it will change.
It will not stop making your self lovelier.
All of your ideas of your self 
and what your self is for will dissolve."
"When you give deep permission
to freedom
it isn't your self that's going to be freed,
it's your own being
that is going to be freed
into your self.
That means there will be deep change
that is deeply disruptive to your self.
What will pass away is all that you've held.
What survives and lives in its place
is what you most deeply and quietly love."
John de Ruiter

That which we most deeply and quietly love is always available,  and in aligning with that deeper goodness within, it softens and soothes in the midst of any difficulties.
John is now in Israel once again about to give a four day retreat and for more information on that please click here.

 And as always if you have any questions for John please type it as a comment below, and thanks.

Until next time,