Tuesday 29 December 2015

Upping the Anti

Greetings from the wintery north, where the Winter Seminar with John is beginning to pick up pace, with today being day three of what feels is going to be a very powerful download.  On day one during the first meeting, John spoke of responding to what you Know is true, saying: "To directly Know and not to Be is insane." - and he then spoke of the resulting polarity as being "ridiculous" but added that, "it's there to help you."  In speaking to the questioner of the difference between being 'a beast' and your own Being John said, "The beast, from within its own core, beautifully responds to you being what you really are in the midst of whatever self you have."  And that it's only by you being singularly what you really are in the midst of the beast that "the beast will turn and love just as you do."  He added, (much to the comfort of the questioner, who laughed with relief) that, "No-one comes into this world without a beast."  And he went on to describe that the beast helps you by showing you what isn't It; what isn't in alignment with deeper Knowledge within.  In that way, when you open and soften and return to a true way of being within, those beastly patterned ways respond and turn right-side up, when you do.  And that there are levels of the beasts to conquer - after the personal ones there's the collective - which have to do with the en-masse movement on the surface; the mass agreement to be separate from the core ...  In dealing with the core of this world, John said it isn't a problem, that:  "You live from your own real core - and you'll have your eyes and your seeing all the way through into the underworld.  It's all fed by the overworld - none of it is really a problem."  Throughout this very first meeting, John's transmission was notably deeper yet again - I mean it was newly deep - an unveiling of sorts - most subtle, more powerful; a measured deeper dose of Greater Reality.  At times during the meetings yesterday I saw this deeper unveiling happening again - and to me this Seminar marks a heretofore not seen before upping of the anti - in more ways than one!  If you cannot be here, tune in in every way that you can - it's so big that you're sure to get some of what is occurring here, as on the deeper levels distance matters much less.  Next week I'll have some more for you from this wonderful seminar.;

Until next time,

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Snippets of old (well, not that old)

Glancing through an old notebook from the summer of 2012, I came across some lovely snippets which I thought I'd put in today's Post.  They are, of course, just as relevant today as they were back then:

                                           "Being Knowing moving in the dark
is the principle of enlightenment."
"A different communication,
a different plane,
a different result -
making a different self
and a different body.
A different life."
"When you have made it past the barrier
you know there are no barriers."
"It isn't small, less or tinier, it is
altogether different."
"Knowing is speedier than thought."
"Have more.
Live having more.
In having, what gauntlet?"
 - JdR June 2012

Sweet to revisit John's words of three and a half year's ago - and be signposted here in the present into what we Know is true within.  And for next week's post, I will probably have the first snippets for you from this year's Winter Seminar!

Until next time,

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Here we are

No matter what's going on in my life on the surface, when I'm deeply attuned to John's transmission in a meeting, everything but That falls away.  What's left is the deeply felt resonance of something so Beyond yet so known, so fundamentally answering and satisfying, that no mental understanding is required.  As such, when all else is gone from me as awareness, and I'm simply all in with where John is coming from and what he's transmitting, it is so Deeply Good - nourishing everything, not just me but everything, because everything is affected by that magical transmission.  All unseen, the only way to know this is by relaxing and attuning as awareness into what it is that he lays out for us.  Learning what that embodiment, which is all deeper and only good is like, is truly a labour of love.  It's so good to be here and to make the most of this opportunity.  In the big picture, this time with John is a only a blip on the radar - and here we are ...

Speaking of making the most of being with John, the Winter Seminar begins in just under two week's time - for more information on that, please click here.   This year the Winter Seminar will be a big event, with around 450 people already signed up - are you coming?  You've still got time to get it together.  
Seminars here with John are pretty special and his transmission is also something else, something much more.  It's a time when he can open the doors to heretofore unseen and magical dimensions way beyond the known, even here.  Perhaps I'll see you there ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Love ...

Dear ones, as I write John's in San Francisco giving four Introductory Evenings - and for more information on that please click here.
Meanwhile here in Edmonton a lot is moving in us - especially since last Monday's download - and it's simply amazing to be here with John at this energizing time.  I went to the Chair last night and it was more magicalness, aligning with John in the Deep and gaining a greater perspective in my living as a result ... What he makes available, via our direct response, can be overwhelmingly beautiful ... Sometimes I can only shake my head and marvel at what he is and where we can go through him.
If you are within any kind of can-get-there distance to San Fran, and have yet to meet John in person, and if there is any sort of pull, any as-yet unquenched desire to know Truth - go there now!!  Do not miss the opportunity to meet him - and the Love that is all beyond this world that he makes so available ...
Here we are gearing up for an excellent week upon his return and then soon after of course, the wondrous and sparkling Winter Seminar - now only a few weeks away.
More Love, more goldeness with John, mmm .. what could be better?

Until next time,

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Relaxing all the way ...

Last night's meeting was so good, although unusual - as John didn't engage with the questioners in the Chair but instead he slowly looked around the hall the entire time, filling it with a strong transmission, which I sensed carried new light-encoded information, which seemed to me to come in waves ...  It was different, good and intense!
And I received a question from overseas during the week about awareness and about relaxing as awareness ...
I would say that here on the Earth plane, awareness is you as consciousness able to move and align either with what you Know or with your old conditioning.  To attune to what is beyond this world and the progamming that imbues it, means to listen within for what is most quiet and unfamiliar.  In that to relax is key because when we're tense and on the run, physically, mentally and/or emotionally, we're distracted from what is always simply quietly available.  So it's good to relax in every way; relaxing the body and letting yourself become most gentled and quieted ... and that's often one of the best things about attending the meetings here with John, as his transmission naturally encourages deep relaxation and in that we can more easily attune to what is real and true and good - and not of this world ...
We're always believing something as awareness; believing a thought or a feeling - and it's only by quieting the usual programme that runs all day that we can begin to move as awareness in what is different to all that; to what is quietly Known within to be True, without understanding.
Awareness moving deeper within to what it Knows is True, leads to a way of being that is so lovely - awareness returning home to a way of being that is clean.  It's so different to believing the accustomed self fashioned, as John says, for and by this world.  Relaxing in ever more subtle ways is part of the code of such deeper movement within.  And even with a busy life, we always have the opportunity each night right before we fall asleep to notice what is naturally happening in this way - as we leave behind the worries and concerns of our day and our life, relaxing and quietly moving deeper within ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Being from the inside out

When John's overseas, it's so good to connect with him via the live broadcasts and I enjoyed getting together with friends on Saturday to watch the evening meeting in Germany.  It was lovely to drop deeper within and be reminded again of what's most important.  John spoke to one questioner of "being from the inside out" - that it's what you're being in your heart that informs what you're being in your self...  And I see that it's when we take the conditioned thoughts and feelings of the accustomed self to heart that we're doing the opposite of what we Know - and that's when we add to the negativity so prevalent in this world.  But when we're quieted and gentled within and more honest inside, we're able to connect with something so lovely (although not understood) and that loveliness is of our own Being - which brings real nurture, transmitted first to our own self and then out into the world.  That's being from the inside out - being what is real and good and clean; quite an altogether different offering to that of an accustomed self reacting to life through wrong conditioning.  When we're coming from what we Know in our heart it's a much lovelier contribution for sure.  It's never a good feeling when I see that I've been coming from a conditioned reaction in myself and being somehow negative as a result ...
Thankfully John's back giving meetings here this weekend - as he continues to remind me (and all of us) how to live from the heart ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 17 November 2015

When it's your Love

The meetings here on Sunday were so good and John's transmission is steadily increasing in potency ...  I see that more frequently now he is bringing in a subtle stream of newness, or a subtle new dimension - and his transmission in such meetings, attuned to, is simply sublime.  It's soul food for sure.  During Sunday's evening meeting he spoke of relating to what is known to be golden inside, not in any abstract way, but by directly relating to it:

"You let what you know 
is golden take you."

When the questioner spoke of it feeling like the goldeness was buried, John spoke "that means you know it's there.  Buried or not, in you go."
"When it's your love
there's no amount of dirt or rock 
that'll stop you."

He went on to speak of how Truth isn't golden until it's lived, right into your self, by being what you know in your heart in the midst of your self, at personal cost.  Yes, when you see any old dirt in the self that's covering that gold, it's the love of the Truth that makes it easy to let go, to move past it, to pay the cost - and then you have your Love ...

John's in Coppenhagen today and from there he's off to Horn-Bad, Germany for the four day retreat starting this Thursday, click here for more info on that - and for the rest of us we can always watch the broadcasts.

Until next time,

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Almost a Choice

During last night's meeting John invited the questioner to "Come in and see" to which he then replied, "Do you make that a practice?" and John said, "It's not a practice, it's how I live."  Then the questioner asked, "Is it a choice?"  And John said, so quietly, "Almost" and that made me smile - because to me it was yet another of those real signposts reminding us that it is all about subtlety.  The accustomed self that has been fashioned by this world is usually blind to subtlety, aside from a few rare moments, notably when we are in nature and consciously relaxing.  But to attune, as awareness, to any subtle stream of what we know is truly all good in our heart (and beyond), is key to bringing our self and all our other forms that we presently have, into an altogether different expression - no, not of this world.  And yet here we are, up for the challenge, facing difficulties and, if you know, softening in any hardness and tension, returning again and again to that tiny little bit that you know the truth of in your heart (without understanding).  John has spoken countless times of this and, on this Blog, so have I - but it's good - we need reminding again and again and again - because we certainly are not reminded out in the world, to be True, to come from what we know the truth of in our heart.  As we attune to such subtle loveliness that we know needs no reason for it's inherent qualities of love and peace, we are touched in our heart within; we Know it; we love It ...  Yes, it's not quite a choice, it's more immediate than that, and more subtle, it's what we Know ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Sweet surrender to what you Know

For many of us life continues to present challenges and difficulties throughout which the opportunity to evolve as awareness continues.  Having recently come out of a somewhat difficult stretch myself, I realize more deeply how Knowing has to become my life - willingly surrendering everything that is not in alignment with that lovely quieted Knowing within.
During Friday's meeting John spoke beautifully about surrendering to what you Know the truth of in your heart, in the midst of the difficulties we are faced with in this world:

"It's when you are in absolute surrender
to what you know in your heart
that you absolutely love
what you know in your heart.
There isn't anything else
that matters first and matters more."
When we allow ourselves to soften and become more gentled inside, more quieted and honest within, that tiny little bit of Knowing is what soothes and nourishes us the most and it's what we deeply Know is Home.  Nothing outside is ever going to satisfy and nourish us like what we Know ...
Until next time,

Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Simplicity within Complexity

Awake and exploring in the deep in the middle of last night, a few things became ever more clear.  It is at night that, consciously or unconsciously, we return to the Deep; a natural consequence of relaxing and surrendering what we no longer need; that of the person, self, heart - and even our life.  When I am consciously aware in the night of what I am in this expanded and truly in-need-of-nothing state, it is clear that during the daytime there is quite a different embodiment going on.  It's all too easy to get out of bed each moring and the first thing to get put on, so to speak, is the body of the person/self and it's ways of moving in a world similarly predominently dark and distorted.  Such wrongly conditioned embodiment is somewhat hard and the face is subesequently also hard, like a mask of protection against this sea of wrong doing and wrong being both within and without.  It's understandable because it all feels so real - but the truth is that it's just an imaginary prison.
Last night I could see the truth all over again of John's teaching to align as awareness with the 'tiny little bit' that you know the truth of in your heart.  For in daily life, that's the link; the direct link to that all deeper and all true You that you so effortlessly drop into each and every night when you go to sleep (or maybe when you lie awake and conscously explore what you truly are).  To be more IN than the tiny little bit in daily life is increasingly doable for sure, but to simply open and soften and to align as awareness with that tiny little bit - especially when life strongly triggers distorted inherited embodied patterns - that has to be enough, and actually it is.  For it does lead us out of that old embodiment and steadfastly into the new embodiment, the one I wrote of in last week's post.  To be satisfied with that tiny agreement within in the daytime - to the tiny little bit that you know without the need for understanding - that's the simple part.  The complexity is all that old embodiment coming up in ways both micro and not so micro and the on-going transformation of all those old pathways into the correct and true alignment via that tiny little bit ...  Being in that direct simple tiny 'yes' to what you know without needing understanding is the answer and it needs to be your walk if Truth is what has you in this life.  Then all the complexity of the code of deeper Being comes naturally into place, instead of all that old distortion, and it comes behind that simple tiny yes within your own heart ...

During Sunday's meeting I lit up a bit when I heard John say:

"You are the fountain in your life."
The deeper true You is indeed a veritable fountain of brightness, of a pure, clean and clear Good that has no opposite, that relates to nothing but itself.  Where the truth of what we are shines brightly, inextinguishable and self evident in its beauty.  In this world full of possibility brilliantly disguised as challenge and limitation, we need only that simple tiny little yes to even a micro dot of that fountain within - that's the way to deep Home, and all beyond this world ...
Until next time,

Tuesday 20 October 2015

The embodiment of response

It was an interesting meeting on Sunday afternoon, with John bringing in a new aspect to his teaching when he spoke of being able to bring the deepest that we have awakened to right up into the level of the person.  Here are some valuable snippets from that talk:

"As you make personal everything
that you've already come into,
you're turning your person
into your awakening;
into everything you're responding to -
you making your person multi-levelled."
"The mobility isn't just within -
the within is brought up through the levels,
through your heart, through your self
and unrolled into your person."
"Your person becoming what you
responded to of what you knew.
By virtue of your person,
you are one.
It's oneness made personal."
"Your person, given,
is the embodiment of response."
"Embodiment is continuity
having outermost form."
"What you know
turns into your lived in perspective
by you making what you know personal."
"Your way of relating in this world
is by the truth in you embodied."
Yes it was an awesome talk and to me it opens up a heretofore never seen before opportunity to evolve at light speed.  Whilst I've been aware of the growing availability of This and the ability to access that More - now I see that there is also an instant doable-ness - of making that higher knowledge manifest in my person.  A kind of instant all different-ness, very cool and (by the way), costing everything we previously kept separate from such higher knowledge by believing it was too deep and far away - not any more!
Until next time,
enjoy making rolling it all out easy,

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Whilst you have an inside ...

Life is full of opportunities - disguised as challenges and limitation, both big and small.  To successfully overcome these challenges is all an inside job, only doable whilst you have   an inside - after you've died, these opportunities won't be there any more ...

"You don't belong to what
you've learned and collected.
You belong to what you know the truth of.
Direct Knowledge that isn't adorned
with anything in your self or in your life.
You're able, as awareness, pure,
to turn into what you are after you've died.
You're able to enter that while you live -
and from that, you live.
Don't let it be after you've died,
for you to realize what you were in this life for.
In the midst of the myriad opportunities,
the way is one.
Making all of the little opportunities,
that come together in so many ways,
not distractive.
Existence won't inform you
of your actual  opportunity
of being in it.
It informs you of
all of the opportunities
that are not really  it."
The above quote is from Friday, day two of the Autumn Seminar, during a meeting in which John was speaking of responding and entering as soon as you Know, to the pure you that has no prior experience.  Yes, beneath the programming, what we are as pure awareness is always fresh and not burdened by the past, able then to freely experience being here in the Matrix without being controlled by it.  Which, in part, is what this seminar has been all about to me; that of a profound letting go of the past - and opening to what is new ... 
Before I sign off, I want to mention that the new website is on its way with plans to launch it sometime next month!  I'm also anticipating another dialogue with John very soon - so if you have any questions you would like to contribute, please type it as a comment below - thanks.
Until next time,

Tuesday 6 October 2015

To be yourself ...

“To be yourself in a world
that is constantly trying
to make you something else
is the greatest accomplishment.” 
The above quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson and it's as true today as it was over a hundred years ago.  Of course, he's talking about being your true self or, as John might say, your first self.  Here's a snippet from a meeting yesterday, when John was speaking once again of being a child of your own heart as being a level of your self that cannot comprehend polarity ...
"You see a first self in expression
when you see a baby laugh and smile
- an expression that's pure
and not held together by anything.
Welcome every little touch of that."
For sure, being one's true self in this world is no easy task, requiring an on-going process of honest discernment within and a letting go of what's old and no good hanging onto - which reminds me of another great quote from Ralph:
 “Finish each day and be done with it.
You have done what you could. 
 Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day. 
 You shall begin it serenely
and with too high a spirit
to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
Speaking of letting go of what's old feels timely given that we are in the middle of Autumn here; a time when nature shows us just how easy it is to let go.  And the Autumn Seminar begins on Thursday, so let's release what's old and see what's new ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Softening in the squeeze

It seems to me that I am not the only one experiencing something of a continuous squeeze  as life on planet Earth increasingly picks up speed.  Yet I see that I have equally increasing ability to open and soften as soon as any reactivity kicks in - that old habit of hardening and relating to stressful thoughts and feelings.  That softening and returning to what I know is True is right there - a shift so subtle and which changes everything in an instant.  This opening and softening in the midst of any tension is at the crux of John's teaching and is a staple in my daily living.  So as life continues to put pressure on our little selves, we know where the gold is, in that wonderful tiny little bit.  In realizing that the tiny little bit means more to us than whatever is causing the feeling of pressure, it's easy to relax and to soften ...

John's back with us in Edmonton giving meetings this weekend and it will be so good to see him and be in the presence once again of one who embodies so much truth.

Speaking of the squeeze, that's actually all I've got time for this week, so -
Until next time,

Tuesday 22 September 2015


As I write today's Post, John is giving an evening meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark and then from Thursday through Sunday he's giving a retreat in Elspeet in The Netherlands.  For more information on watching those live upcoming broadcasts please click here.
He gave an awesome teaching in Israel last Thursday on how coming into our Beings is the transformation of humanity - here are some snippets:
"Where the Calling is  awakened to,
any connectivity between people
that is based on the levels of the Being,
creates new space within the self
for what is greater than reality
to come in and eventually have form."
"Power in this world,
power that's recognized in this world,
is based on what we perceive  in our selves as differences.
Differences that don't yet have meaning
on the level of our Beings
and the power that we perceive
within these differences
is an illusion.
It's the power based on the experience
that we have within our unintegrated selves.
Selves that don't yet belong to our Beings.
The power of the self kept away from the heart
and therefore kept away from the Being.
Kept away until there is  connectivity -
the connectivity between awareness and the Being
because of awareness residing in the heart
where all real connectivity begins.
And then the level of connectivity within
taking place between two or more,
where we all are actually together,
not because of any effort to be
or to move together in this world -
together because we all realize our Beings."
I highly recommend watching that entire meeting (evening, 17 September), which is available as a VOD, just click here to do so.
Until next time,

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Being a child of your own heart

Unusually we had a meeting here last Tuesday and when the questioner spoke to John about being and working in this world, John spoke that it matters little what you do in this world and "that first you are a child of your own heart and from there a student of your deeper levels."  A little later on he said, "This world will pass away, while you - with all of your deeper levels - continue .."  Towards the end of that meeting his transmission was so strong that when he walked off the stage many of us were left still somewhat glued to our chairs. 

Alas he's off globetrotting again, about to give a four day retreat in Netanya, Israel - and I miss him already.   Although, for those of us not able to be there, at least we can keep in touch via the wonderful webcasts - and for more information on that, please click here.

Meanwhile, being as we are still alive, we continue to get plenty of opportunity to evolve in daily life by opening and softening in our heart, especially when life triggers patterns in the accustomed self and there is the tendency to close and harden, to justify and point the finger.  In choosing instead to open and soften within, we can learn to be a child of our own heart, putting the greatest value on learning how to sustain that sweetness within, in the midst of what isn't like that, in this world ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 8 September 2015

No longer being a student of this world

Here at Knowledge College,
we are learning a very different modality, as awareness,
to that which pervades this tired old world ...
Having been relatively silent in meetings of late, John was in fine form on Sunday afternoon, giving us a great discourse on the deeper levels of our Being and how that requires the giving up of all personal power and no longer being a student of this world ...

"The surface levels of your Being,
as you come into them,
are not an affront to the middle ground in your self
- the deeper levels of your Being are.
The deeper levels of your Being,
as you are called into them,
bring you into the power of your Being.
As you come into the power of your Being
you cannot retain any personal sovereignty.
That's where you do,
within your middle ground,
come to the end of your road."
John went on to describe how you cannot come into your deeper levels with anything of a split; with any ties to personal use of power.
                                Being one with what you Know is the way ...
"When Knowing masters you
there are no longer two masters.
For you to be all of reality within, Knowing
on every level needs to master you
- and then you are your Being -
the surface levels all the way through to the deepest levels."
"As you come into the deeper levels of your Being,
you cannot keep what this world
and it's student mean to you
- your accustomed self is a student of this world -
fashioned by it and made for it."
We are learning all the time here from the moment we are born, and yet it's not until we come across a True teaching that we can begin to uncover reality from within our own deeper levels within - that we begin to discern what is actually True, rather than the accepted mass belief system, handed down through the generations.  I said to someone the other day (before the start of the above meeting), that what we are doing here is "the cutting edge of humanity" and that's truly how I see it.  This short window of time here with John, attending (Real and all Deeper) Knowledge College is magical, challenging and so deeply good - above all, it's such an opportunity ...
Until next time,

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Magic from the Mountains

Dear ones, sorry that this week's Post comes to you a day late but I'm only just now back from the six day retreat in the Rockies with John.. it was good and it went so fast!  The standouts this year were ... the weather! we were super lucky and had lots of sunshine and very little rain .. and then, John's transmission - which was intense to say the least at times .. Here's some direct quotes from John over the last six days at Nordegg:

"The less you have on the surface,
the more you come to a point
and that's because you know what it's all about."
"As soon as you tighten
the gold can't be made. "
"Want and need
disturbs the natural movement of your Being."
"Without your personal seeing
- you fly ..."
"When you're really listening,
you love ..."
"Read me,
and what you're developing, moves."
"In and in, all else is behind you."
Until next time,

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Let's go camping!

Yay!  It's Nordegg time and we're off on our big annual school trip to the Rocky Mountains for six awesome days with John.  A much anticipated event, we've all been looking forward to it and this year it's even bigger - and no doubt going to be better - than ever.

The meetings here in Edmonton which have occurred since the new school year began have been pretty special and my sense is that John's been providing us with a wonderful precursor for this year's camping trip.  As we continue to open and open and open to what is New  - especially thanks to what John makes available (and our response of course!) - it is truly a magical ride, unthinkable and, well simply the best!  There's no where else I'd rather be, than learning and growing and changing under his guidance.

For those of you who cannot be with us in Nordegg this year, I'm sure there will be all sorts of recorded goodies available to share with you afterwards.  And that will probably include some magical mountain snippets from me in next week's Post too ...

Until next time,
(and don't forget your hot water bottles!)

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Opening to what is New

Mmm, school is back on and that first meeting with John on Sunday afternoon was really special.  During that meeting his transmission brought something quite new and delightful into the meeting hall and I enjoyed everything about it.  To me he parted the curtains, so to speak, within reality, revealing a new dimension, a space most enticing to the deeper levels within; inviting a much deeper level response.  And he brought in another exquisite transmission towards the end of last night's meeting too, and there was so much light pouring from him, lighting up the whole stage ...  At such times, he makes it so easy to become acquainted with the deeper levels which, although so palpably manifest by him without, can only be realized by a most subtle attunement within.  And of course, once initiated into a deeper realization of the Truth, it's up to each of us then to live it ... 
It's so awesome how it all keeps on opening and opening; a never-ending cosmic ocean of wondrousness!  And John is such a powerful agent in his ability to make manifest heretofore unseen levels of reality - the quintessential magic act of all magic acts, here in this world!   There's nothing like it on this Earth ... 
So school is back and all I can say really is, Mmm ..!

Until next time,

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Never Give Up

OK so there you were about to come to Earth and have a life, full of difficulty and opportunity to evolve.  For this Earthly journey you needed a body - which is a bit like looking for a used car - and let's face it, as you looked down (hopefully!) the choice of vehicles was, well, what it was - there wasn't an abundance of Rolls Royces, was there?  So don't be too hard on your self - it wasn't meant to be easy.  As such, no matter what comes up as you 'drive along' it is good to remind yourself to never give up.  Even if sometimes it feels as if you're never going to get there ...

In the quest to become as one's own Being, as you drive along your own personal route on this planet, it seems like there is a never-ending stream of things to look at; things to deal with and integrate into what is more deeply known to be True within.  Indeed, it is all an inside job in that sense.  Certain situations may call for a multi-levelled response but in that, what always needs to come first is the opening and softening within, before taking action without (that's all about responding verses reacting).

So as life beautifully continues to offer up situations which trigger whatever we are usually able to cover up and not deal with or look at, the real opportunity of being in a body and having a life can be made the most of - with honesty and correct alignment within; by believing what you honestly Know is True.  To believe otherwise is to fool yourself; to belong body and soul to the Matrix.  But it does seem to me that the days of the old Matrix are numbered as we, more and more, begin to awaken to what is outside of that old Matrix.  So it's not about trying to avoid difficulties and pain but rather what you are choosing in the midst of such situations.  In all of this, it's wonderful for sure to have a teacher of Truth and also to have trusted friends with whom you can confide and perhaps also from whom to receive helpful guidance - but the fact is that it is up to you and only you to make whatever choices you make in this, your most personal journey on Earth, called your life.  To bring more awareness to all of your choices is necessary to bring your awakening into form and to make it practical - whether you're deciding whether you really want another cup of coffee to making much larger decisions.  It feels to me that we live in times of such golden opportunity that making real change - that is, change which originates from what you more deeply Know is True within - has never been more doable; you can do so much so quickly now.  In a sense, it all becomes relatively uncomplicated once you see just what an inside job it all truly is - simply put: are you being and doing what you Know?  In your daily living, in all the small and mundane acts, in your manner of speaking, your actions ...  And of course it can seem like an overwhelming challenge at times and that's when it is so good to remember to never ever give up!

As the start of the new school year here in Edmonton looms large, with meetings resuming this coming Sunday, my wish is for each and every one of Us to truly and marvellously choose to be and to do what we most deeply Know; to support real Knowledge within - as always, with openness and softness of heart leading the way ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Far Out!

I just checked my calendar and - far out - the new school year starts in about a week and a half!  Wow, this summer break sure is whizzing by - and, as I ponder the prospect of More from John and the meetings and our response, it does feel kind of exciting.  We certainly live in unprecedented times, not least of all in terms of the opportunity to transform our consciousness, and there is a veritable quickening of such on this planet at present ... 

In the loss of that familiar middle ground, we get to choose the Good - ever quicker! - to choose what we Know the Truth of in our hearts - dare I say, in preparation for what is coming ...  Loving the truth; silently building and responding to deeper Knowledge within and opening to new deeper level abilities - it's all a labour of such Love ...   And as we continue to prepare and to respond, especially to what John makes so deliciously  available,  I'm  keen to see just how far out we get to go next ...  Meanwhile, it's good to stay in touch in various ways, including listening to John on a daily basis, and do-be-do-ing whatever works! 

Dear ones, that's about it for this week,

Until next time,

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Walking all differently ...

The process of integration, of bringing what we most deeply Know the Truth of into what is ours, seems to me to be a somewhat multi-faceted process.  After the Summer Seminar, quite a few of us were experiencing some unusual after-effects, such as increased tiredness, which for me was to do with the deeper level integration of what I'd received in the Deep during those meetings.  And, in addition to his magical transmission, as outlined in last week's post, John made clear a new aspect of his teaching during the seminar, of bringing the deeper levels we have awakened to directly into the level of the person - and making that practical - and this week has seen me making some pretty big changes ...  It makes sense that bringing such deeper Knowledge into the level of the person would manifest in ways on the surface and in life which, whilst known to be good, would also be something of a stretch - real change on the surface and in one's person has little or even nothing to do with our old comfort zone.  It was clear to me that in making certain recent decisions my old comfort zone would reduce dramatically, thus creating the opportunity to come way more from my deeper levels; to be in life much more as a Being and much less as my accustomed self, (which of course also manifests as real change on the level of the person).  And bringing something more of the deeper levels into the level of my person and making that practical is ...  well, simply good.

It's about making any change which you Know will create more opportunity to make the deeper levels real; to manifest them and to really make it your new walk. 

As I begin to take steps upon this newly created path, I see that it's all made much easier when I quietly love what is so real and true and good in such newness ...  As John said, there's no turning back or turning away, just a much deeper level of forward - yes, that of walking with a deeper level!  It feels timely to make such changes and for sure, those of us who attended the seminar have received all sorts of unseen super fuel to make such new steps ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 21 July 2015

A deeper level of Forward

Here we are some weeks into the summer break and it occurs to me that it would be good to revisit that intense Summer Seminar with some post seminar excerpts, taken from the afternoon meeting of day six (27th June 2015).  It seemed to me at the time, that we were all clearly receiving a big unseen download during that particular meeting - here are some snippets:

"When you are honest within your ways,
you're quieted within.
When you're honest within, your ways
- your personal ways -
pass by, and you have no relationship to them.
What remains is the way you Know
and you move as that
and you bring that movement into your person
where it matters most."
Later in that same meeting, John spoke of coming into a new perspective in your person, which comes from the Deep:
"You'll begin with deeper levels
that you have awakened to
and there, exclusively you come into your Seeing
and you bring that Seeing into your person
and you let that Seeing have way in your person;
you let it have practical effect on everything
that has mattered to you in your person.
That's a fundamental shift of reality in your person.
It's your perspective
- the perspective you have in your person -
that forms your quieted experience."
He went on to speak of how such deeper Seeing changes your thinking and your feeling on the level of your person and how that will, for a time, mean that you won't be able to blend in with others.  And how such manifesting of what's newly real, also makes what you are clean.  Later he spoke of how such newness makes what matters to you all different and strange to what you've been accustomed to, but that:
 " .. you know that it's pure and that forms your walk.
Anything that comes of your new walk
you'll quietly face and deal with.
There is no turning back.
No turning away.
There's just a clean, clear,
much deeper level of forward."
The Summer Seminar was definitely different, with John's transmission at times being particularly subtle and intense.  Perhaps that's why many of us have been experiencing unusual symptoms recently, such as more tiredness - to me, that's often a sign of deep integration.
Until next time,

Tuesday 14 July 2015

We are Love

When, as awareness, I am purely One with what I Know, everything is so very different from how it is perceived from within the accustomed self.  When I am most honest, when I am most quieted and all in what I Know, there is Love that is not of this world at all, an intrinsic discovery ... Wow, such wisdom before I've even had a proper breakfast!  But it is so True.  And the more I align with the Truth, the more I see how upside-down this world is.  For example, looking for love and meaning and fulfillment outside - rather than finding it within - how such false endeavour is all part of being wrongly programmed and conditioned and how such en-masse belief in what is false perpetuates the lie.  And even when we do get a glimpse into what is all beyond this world; a glimpse into our true nature - that of a Being so full of love itself - that it is still up to each of us to bring such a glimpse into full manifestation; into all that is ours.  In that, I am so thankful that I found John and applied his teaching in my daily life - and still do, of course.  That is what my life is about and wonderfully, the more I apply it, the more it works.  So, particularly when it's difficult, I open and soften, knowing that such an unseen movement may yield little in terms of the experience I'm having in my self concerning the difficulty.  But little by little, such unseen allegiance strengthens what I Know and retrains my system to belong more and more to my Being and less and less to my accustomed self - changing the programme, a bit like Neo perhaps, for then I am not really of this world at all, not in the Matrix ...  Sometimes, this love of the Truth also takes me far beyond this world and the confines of the accustomed self and predominant planetary belief systems - and that's quite a different ride then, for sure. 

Until next time,

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Magicalness within

I am still in the afterglow of the recent Summer Seminar with John, during which his transmission at times was intensely magical.  And now, cast out into the dessert of no-more-John for six weeks, we are left to our own devices - to integrate, to digest, to bring what we Know the truth of into our person and into this world.  It needs it.  Learning to be as our own pure Being, is the healing of our selves, our psyche, and all that is ours.  In no longer succumbing to what is small and under pressure, we can begin to realize our potential to relax and drop into an ever-expanding reservoir of IT, of cosmic goodness, all unseen but so Known, so loved within ...  I love belonging to that and as such, taking 'time out' as often as possible, to simply Be that; to be one, as awareness, with what I Know, (without needing to understand it).  Just aligning with it and loving it, absorbing it, that's enough - of course the accustomed self and this world doesn't understand it, for it is not of this world at all.  In fact, when I was in the Chair mid-way during the Seminar, I left this world far far behind and travelled so out there with John .. and the light that simply poured  in through him was beyond the Beyond.  We are truly so much more than meets the (accustomed) eye.  But without investigation and exploration; without opening to what is beyond in every way - from our accustomed thoughts and feelings to how we usually do everything - we will never Know and grow into that Higher Knowledge and in that, opening and softening leads the way ...  So for all the wondrousness of being with John, it is up to each of us to play our part, to heed that distant call to be all that we can truly be.  It is so time for that and more, how lovely.  What a wonderful opportunity to belong to our own true magicalness within and to bring that into form ...

Dear ones, that's it for today - and wishing all the Edmontonians a marvellous summer break,

Until next time,

Tuesday 30 June 2015

No problem ...

"Your self has no problem
if you have no problem."
Thus spoke John at the informal gathering at the end of Friday's evening meeting.  He went on to speak of how pain brings your attention to a point and then you can bring your attention "right to that point" - and that point opens.  Yes with some deeper honesty, some opening and softening in the midst of that problem, you can relieve your self of that pressure and deepen in what you Know. Here's some more from that same night:
"Any kind of resistance in your interior
to what is outside of your self
isn't really outside of your self."''
 "When all of your energy
goes to what you Know
there won't be anything there for  resistance."
"Resistance tells you what, in your self,
you don't want.
It doesn't tell you the Truth."
John spoke of that point of pain or resistance as being like a red flag and to go right to where the flag is - right to that resistance - and there to "unconditionally drop."
That's all I've got time for today - but no doubt there'll be more snippets from this Seminar for you next week.
Until next time,

Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Seminar of Light

It's a tad early perhaps to give this Summer Seminar a name, but that's what comes to me after last night's meeting.  I sat in the front row (albeit off to one side) and there was such a strong golden light emanating from John, filling the stage and no doubt the entire room ...

Here are a few snippets from that meeting, beginning with John speaking of how all the energy centers open and come into alignment as you enter your own Being, moving as that through all those centers ...

"In that movement,
that way of moving,
you come into your light body
and it is from your light body
that you have perspective in your self."
Yes quite a different perspective to that of the accustomed self ...  And later in that meeting he spoke of the perceived power in the self and how what is created on that accustomed level of the self will all pass away - it isn't real - the real powers are all unseen .. and when the questioner asked for an example, John said,
"Stillness in a storm."
In coming into one's unseen true powers that which is created and made manifest does not pass away.  Indeed John said of this true you coming into form:
"YOU realized into form
are forever."
Being willing and able to stay still of self generated patterns as that distorted conditioning storms through your system; staying true to whatever tiny little bit you know is all otherwise gets you there; Home, free ...
Until next time,