Tuesday 31 July 2012

Subtelties of Goodness

Ever present and unseen, subtleties of Goodness bring a lovely warm glow within and provide daily nourishment for the soul... 

Apologies for today's post being a little short and sweet due to a mega-busy week ... and perhaps not so much to say today ...

We are now mid-way through the summer break from the meetings here in Edmonton and I have been enjoying some exquisite times with dear friends ... Such loveliness with friends is also an important ingredient for a full and rich life n'est pas

And I'm going on a camping trip this weekend (which is one of the reasons why I am so busy this week) and I plan to make the most of my time away from the 'big smoke' - in nature, in good company and in those sweet subtleties of Goodness ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 24 July 2012


A combination of recent dreams and listening to a John de Ruiter CD this morning, has shown me the importance of continuity regarding Knowing.  It is so easy to slip into what is old; into patterns and conditioning of the small self.  Noticing tension; tightening and small self patterning, I am able to soften ...
  " ... there the Knowledge is and your Knowing of it ... it doesn't offer an experience, it is just simply for you, as awareness, there." - JdR

It must come first.  Then my small self is no longer in charge and everything changes for the better.  And I am in Love with this softening and beingness and Knowing.

There have been no meetings at Oasis for two weeks now and there are another four and a half weeks to go before meetings resume.  I will now endeavour to listen to John (via CD, tape or DVD) every day to remind me - in the midst of a busy life and outer pressure - what is most important; this softening, this gentled beingness, this lovely Knowing ...

I am anticipating another Q&A session with John soon after his return at the end of August, so as always, please type any questions you may have for him in the 'comments' beneath this Post.  It's a wonderful resource, to be able to hear John's answers to questions in this way, so keep 'em coming!

Until next time,

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Working it out ...

As life continues to present situations which bring pressure, I am increasingly drawn to soften and to deny those patterns which create tension, tightening and stress... 
As my loyalty moves steadfastly towards Beingness, it seems to me like a big conspiracy; like we've been duped into believing our programming and that these programmes have been running us for long enough!  As Beingness resumes its rightful place, I find myself handling difficult situations quite differently and it is surprising how much more lightly I am beginning to take things.  Alongside these changes - where I am responding to life in new ways, as opposed to reacting to life in old habituated ways - my values are swiftly changing too.  Although I still do what I can to create a good life on the outside, the focus is so clearly now on what is occurring within; on what I am being and from where I am coming.  And as I see these changes, I am encouraged to keep moving in what I see is the right direction, with John de Ruiter and his teachings continuing to guide and inspire me. Life has never been more meaningful, more valuable and more precious...

Before I sign off, a couple more tidbits from the recent awesome Summer Seminar:

"Take nothing at all to heart of anything that comes up in your self, 
while liking taking to heart everything that comes up that you Know; 
that you Know in your heart ... 
In liking what you Know in your heart, the rest of your system will work. 
It will start everything moving ...
the old won't be lasting long, and the New is going to show."
John de Ruiter (Summer Seminar 2012)

"Whatever your orientation is,
it is working on everything around you..."
John de Ruiter (Summer Seminar 2012)  
Until next time,

Tuesday 10 July 2012

After the Seminar

John de Ruiter
Wow... what a potent Summer Seminar we have just experienced here in Edmonton. 
I am still reverberating from all that John gave to Us and I realise that I need time now to digest and to integrate it all... Below is a little tiny taste:

"Concerning the Deep within, Knowing in your body is immediate. Concerning that level of your body, live in agreement. That puts you past your self and deeply in your body. Then know the essence of the movement in your body ..."
 -John de Ruiter 30 June 2012 (Edmonton)

Yes, the integration now occurring in me includes making It physical. As John says:  
"It is helping you be in agreement with what Knowing is from tip to toe..." 
Isn't it all amazing? When I first came to John, I loved that he made it clear that it is not about experience (such a hook for the spiritual seeker) but now he is bringing experience in - in a way that is both new and oh-so useful! 
And it's all landing in me and I love it!

Thank you John - and thanks to everyone who participated in the Summer Seminar. I met some lovely newcomers and although some have now returned home, I look forward to seeing them again soon.

This Thursday (12th July)  John will be in Bristol and if you would like to attend the meeting, you can find all the necessary information by clicking here.

As always, please type any questions you have for John, in the 'comments' below this post.

Until next time,

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Summer Seminar 2012

We are now just over half way through this incredibly potent Summer Seminar for 2012 and it seems to me that the frequency has significantly increased and is subtly (and also not so subtly) affecting all of the participants - and beyond...

It is affecting me in various ways including less sleep, (and strong dreams), more energy and unusual physical sensations in my body. It has also agitated and magnified patterns in my accustomed self whilst I have been feeling an increasingly constant pressure within to be Home. For me, integrating what I Know is True now includes finding new ways to come from that in my living - which is a definite cutting edge when it comes to interacting and speaking with others.

And, paradoxically, although I feel more able than ever to align with Knowing within, I feel like I need John more than ever too...

John de Ruiter
What a magnificent guide he is. 
I have so much love and gratitude for this life, for meeting and Knowing John and for being able to do what I am doing.

For those of you who have not yet listened to the Podcasts, (where John answers questions sent in to my Blog), you can do so by clicking here.

After the Summer Seminar ends, there is a break of almost seven weeks, (i.e. no meetings with John), but I will still be uploading a new Post each week and, with any luck, another Podcast as well...

Until next time,