Tuesday 24 April 2012

Moving Forward

I felt a pang of sadness on Sunday evening, knowing I'd not be seeing John de Ruiter again in person for two weeks, as he's off to the Netherlands for a five day Seminar (26-30 April) and then to Israel for two evening meetings (2-3 May). Click here for more information on attending any of those meetings or for more information on the live broadcasts (from the Netherlands) here in Edmonton (28-30 April).

However, prior to the pang, I was fortunate enough to sit with John in the Jewel Cafe at Oasis on Sunday. I had plenty of questions to ask him concerning things I'd been 'researching' on the internet, such as crop circles, UFOs, advanced/star beings and more. Knowing that much of the content in cyber space is fictitious, I asked him for the truth concerning these subjects. Basically John got me to see that the way I was being affected by my fascination of such things, and what I'd been doing to try and know the truth about them, had once again taken me far from that 'tiny little bit in my heart that I Know is true' and had me all excitable but confused in my smaller self. I can see now that sensing that there is some truth or deeper meaning in such phenomena is no reason to go running after 'trying to find out' because that does take me away from what I do know is of greater value; the peace within that littlest bit... (And I just listened to John speaking of this in the dialogue with Zaba - you can listen to it too). In fact, at the cafe table on Sunday, talk turned to far more practical matters and I could subsequently see my own way forward much more clearly.

To me, moving forward is multi-dimensional; both an internal and an external affair. Primarily, it's about learning to sustain a more constant, subtle, more True way of being within. Alone, this portends greater relaxation, peacefulness and enjoying something like nectar within.  And it's also then to be able to increasingly come from that - what John calls that 'tiny little bit that you Know is true' which I find, as he says, in my heart - and to come from that in what I do and say. It's all a learning, or maybe a re-learning; as I do seem to Know it and it does feel like Home...

I am reminded of something one of my old teachers once said, that 'old habits die hard, but they die, certainly...' Yes, they do and yes they are! What a marvellous help John is with such wondrous learning/re-learning...

Externally, moving forward is also about making the most of this life on the outside and taking care of practicalities and responsibilities as I Know to. And I just love that about John; that he can be so awesomely beyond this world (what it seems so pointlessly busy with most of the time) and yet he can also be so clear and helpful regarding taking care of the practical side of life.

Finally, I am very happy to inform you that more of your questions have been answered by John! The dialogue occurred between the lovely Zaba and John the other week and if you Click here you can hear it. I just listened to it myself and it's fantastic! So keep those questions coming! Simply type them in the 'comments' below this Post.
Until next time,

Tuesday 17 April 2012

This Precious Earth

The Spring Seminar with John de Ruiter is now over, and all the way through it I kept putting my name down to go to the dialogue chair, and then on Friday I was finally called. I spoke to John about something that had been of real concern to me for some time, regarding my sense of a Big Shift coming to our planet 'ready or not' and an urgency concerning 
The Lifting of the Veil (the meaning of 'Apocalypse') and even saving the planet by actually doing that; bringing consciousness home in me/us... 

John de Ruiter
As I allowed my self to speak about it, the hugeness of it was pretty overwhelming and heart-breaking, until John succinctly and eloquently showed me his amazing mastery once again. What I spoke of, on one level, literally felt as wide as ten football fields (with an overwhelmed me in the middle) and as John directed that same Knowing in me to become much smaller (by seeing it from a different place) it alchemically condensed - which felt way better. And then he said 'finer,' and it disappeared altogether - but not so that it wasn't there - it went everywhere; within and without...
And I saw more deeply and clearly how Knowing truly is everything. By integrating that huge Knowledge into the finest within me, I knew that the effect of doing so had the ability to affect everything in the most positive and True way.

No sooner had I breathed a huge sigh of relief and felt the subsequent inner smile of heart-rested Knowing and the goodness for one and all in that, that tears came again to my eyes, as I looked at John and marvelled once more at  what he sees, what he knows, what he does and how he does it.  'I can't find the words to express what I feel for you in my heart,' I said, but then I told him I loved him anyway, the best I could...

It was a new experience of integrating what I know is true.  It's like now I can see that this process of integrating what I know is true, isn't only about letting go of conditioned thoughts, feelings, emotions and responses in my smaller self, but it is also about refining even that which is in alignment with deeper Knowledge. 

At the end of my talk with John on Friday, he said, 'This isn't Old School or Big School. This is Most Tiny Little Bit School...'  And when I attune to that tiny little bit, it affects everything and I love it more than anything... And learning to live from that is made a million times easier by knowing John and being guided and helped by him.

If you haven't already done so, you can check out John's official website by clicking here where you can find podcasts to listen to, video clips to enjoy, order CD's and DVD's, check John's worldwide schedule, and much more...

Next week I am hoping to have a new podcast uploaded for you to enjoy. Meanwhile, please type any new comments/questions below this Post.

Until next time,

Tuesday 10 April 2012

'I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...'

That's what an amazed Dorothy says to her dog, Toto, in the 1939 classic, 'The Wizard of of Oz.' And it's a bit like that for me sometimes when I'm sitting up front at a meeting with the magical John de Ruiter.
John de Ruiter 

As I relax and open to receive, his powerful transmission - unseen, most subtle and most potent - permeates me... and I'm talking cellular here! My mind falls silent, my inner beingness begins to glow and I gaze at John with shiny eyes. And as I look upon him, sitting before me in such stillness, I am dawn into those amazing eyes... like fire and ice. And the way I am in this world, in my body; the way I perceive and understand reality, is all changing... 
It is truly another dimension which John is making possible and palpable here...

Incredibly, it is already day six of the Spring Seminar and, as always, it is rushing by all too quickly and I plan to make the most of the next two days. It's not just the meetings with John which I enjoy so much, but also my interactions with the many lovely and special people who are also here. It's a real retreat !

I love to check the 'Audience Stats' on my Blog and see which countries come up. There are people viewing it in India, Argentina, Sweden, Austria, Russia and more... Hello to all of you and thank you for visiting my Blog! And thanks also to everyone who have sent in a question for John. I have good news on that front, as there will be another Q & A session with him later on this week and I will endeavour to upload the recorded dialogue for your listening pleasure as soon as I can.

As always, please type any new questions for John in the 'comments' under this (newest) Post.

Until next time,

Tuesday 3 April 2012


A small word with the biggest connotations, it has been so misunderstood, used and abused on our dysfunctional little planet. Yet it's increasingly clear to me, the more time I spend with
John de Ruiter (attending his meetings) what love is...  John talks of love far more eloquently than I (so I won't go attempting some glib definition) as he softly points us in it's direction again and again...

A case in point would be the sweet talk between Robert and John at the meeting last Friday. Dear Robert was struggling with concepts in his head, whilst John sweetly and humorously kept pointing him further south to his own heart. The most direct of these directives was John's simple statement, 'for you, love instead of think' (as I recollect). But you had to be there, really, to get the whole tamale... eventually Robert traversed about a foot southwards and, as his eyes began to water, so did mine. And I am reminded of something I recall John saying last summer, that 'Being here is a heart soaker.'

Yes, being with John is a heart soaker. I take notes in the meetings sometimes and when I heard him say that I did a little sketch of a heart in a bathtub. For me, attending meetings with John is cleansing, relaxing, even purifying...

In two day's time we begin the 7-day Spring Seminar here in Edmonton and if you'd like any information on attending all or part of it, click here for the chance of double daily dipping in the tub of love... ahhhh...

Until next time (when, with any luck, I will have soaked myself into a rosy-cheeked cherub),