Tuesday, 24 June 2014

"Honesty is Beingness"

The super Summer Seminar is On ... and I'm pretty busy so today there's only time for a few awesome snappy snippets from yesterday's evening meeting, day one of the seminar:

"When you are honest in what you Know
you're in your heart;
you're not in your mind."
"Honesty is beingness.
Honesty isn't a way of thinking.
Honesty is undistorted beingness ..."
"That undistorted beingness is home to you
and it's uneventful;
there's no story in it.  
It's free of what your self is like."
"Your patterns, your self, your past,
do not prevent you from being home."
"When awareness is relaxed,
that means that awareness isn't doing anything
 in order to be ..."

Undoubtedly there'll be more snippets next week, when we'll be just over mid-way through this seminar.  And, just in case you missed the special Post on Saturday, scroll down to that Post to click the link and listen to the most recent dialogue with John - and thanks to everyone for all the awesome feedback :)  And the Blog door is now wide open again - so feel free to post your questions in the form of a comment below - and thank you!

Until next time,

Saturday, 21 June 2014

The New Podcast (May 2014)

At last, I can bring you the latest recorded dialogue between John and myself.  Regarding this particular dialogue, the intention was to take it all a little deeper, allowing for some deviation and deeper movement ...
To hear it please click here!

And if you'd like to listen to some of the older dialogues with John, click here.

Until next time,

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Relaxed as Awareness

"Being relaxed as awareness
means that all you know the
truth of is your home."
"...all real  care comes from awareness
being what it knows.
There is no withholding of care
in that.
It cares for all it knows and it cares
in the way that it knows."

Thus spoke John at the excellent meeting on Friday night and it was so lovely to have him - and his divine transmission - back amongst us.  Here's some more from that meeting:

"When you are oriented to the truth within 
your self is in lovely hands."
"To be pure awareness
requires full response
within core-splitting honesty.
Honesty to what it knows."
"When awareness gives its power
to want and need at the expense of what it knows,
it becomes lost in want and need
and becomes blind to what it knows."

Yes, and how lovely it is when we learn to relax as awareness no matter what's going on around us or even within us...

"With all of your power and control 
being given to what you know,
all self-created suffering is gone."
"Then all your self needs to carry
is learning and change.
A self freed of control 
loves learning and loves change."

That has to be it for this week, as I'm on the run once again.  The recent dialogue will get uploaded soon ! I will do a special post for it in the coming week and before the Summer Seminar for sure!

Until next time,

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Genuinely Happy ...

Mmm - go to your truly happy place within!
"What you know in your heart
is to open and soften 
and you're not genuinely happy
without opening and softening in your heart.
John de Ruiter - 6/6/14 
The above snippet is from the very first meeting of the recent seminar in Dorset, UK, where John really spelled it out once again regarding the importance of awareness opening and softening.  From that same talk, here's a little more:
"There isn't anything that stops you
as awareness
from opening and softening."
"Because you're in a body
anything that you believe
becomes physical."
"When you access
anything of your own being
you're accessing forms of you.
Forms that perfectly match you.
So when you move as them,
as awareness,
you move as pure form."
John then spoke of not believing anything that requires you as awareness to unrelax.  That anything which requires you as awareness to close and harden isn't worth it, because then you "compromise what is pure you."  It doesn't mater how real it seems ...  I loved hearing him say that closing and hardening is awareness distorting itself - it's simply not real.  And that pain in your self is an imposition in your heart, but when you remain open and soft in the midst of such an experience, then the pain doesn't stop you from being "pure you ..."  
"In the belief 
of what you experience in your self
you fool your self;
you teach your self
that your self is you.
Your own being isn't even you.
Your own being is a perfect form of you."
Seems like the participants enjoyed a pretty wonderful Seminar last weekend and it was good to be able to watch several of those meetings via live stream on the web.  And now I'm looking forward to seeing John back at Oasis this Friday - and of course the awesome Summer Seminar begins in under two weeks'  time!  For more information on that, just click here.
My recent dialogue with John is almost ready to upload  and I'm hoping to do a special mid-week post when it's done.  And my next dialogue with him is happening next week - so feel free to send in any last minute questions for that!
Until next time,

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Keeping it Real

John de Ruiter
Keeping it real; in some ways it's easy; simply no surface spin, just softening and moving it all deeper within.And it seems easiest to keep it real when I'm close to John.  Alas he's off again, this time to England for a retreat down Dorset way from the 6th to the 9th, which is sure to be fabulous, so enjoy that if you're there.  And for everyone else, we can watch those meetings streamed live and as VODs and for more information on that, just click right here.

Regarding the recent dialogue with John, yes sorry but it is still in the works, but not for much longer I promise.  And as soon as it's ready, I'll do a special post if need be to get it out there!  Meanwhile, to give you a little taste of that very dialogue, I thought I'd offer you some snippets from it today, starting with a quote from when John was speaking about a purity of your own being moving towards someone; a depth of pure love that moves up through the levels ... :

"... So then love moves through density.
As love moves through density,
love becomes denser and denser
and it has more form.
The more form that it has
the more that it will not move through
 anything that you haven't worked through
in your self..."

A bit later, John spoke of how such deep and pure love, moving out into form, becomes thicker and more understood and how it can be received by another:

"... Love can be there as a beingness, 
if it's not moving through the self 
and through the person it may not
be readable by someone else. 
It can be really moving and not be seen 
unless someone else is connecting in
on a deeper level 
than what surface expression is. 
Then there would be 
an experience of being loved ..."

And lastly, a little bit from when he was speaking about moving as awareness into what is deeper and new and how that awakens previously unused parts of our brain:

" The unused part of the brain 
doesn't awaken unless, as awareness,
you are moving into levels deeper within 
than anything that you're accustomed to in your self.
When you move into that you have no map,
you have no prior experience,
there is no pattern that you're following. 
If there's a pattern that you're following
or a map that you're following,
then it's already present and awakened in your brain. 
When you're moving deeper 
than anything you've been accustomed to,
 it's only as awareness
that you enter a deeper level within
that hasn't been awakened before.
As you move into that, 
awakening into that,
your brain responds to 
what you're entering as awareness,
so your brain awakens ..."

You'll get the whole dialogue soon and as you can maybe tell from the snippets, it's worth waiting for.  And I'm pleased to say that there will be another dialogue with John in a couple of weeks - so if you have a question you'd like to send in, you know what to do.

Until next time, 
keep it real, beloveds!