For many of us life continues to present challenges and difficulties throughout which the opportunity to evolve as awareness continues. Having recently come out of a somewhat difficult stretch myself, I realize more deeply how Knowing has to become my life - willingly surrendering everything that is not in alignment with that lovely quieted Knowing within.
During Friday's meeting John spoke beautifully about surrendering to what you Know the truth of in your heart, in the midst of the difficulties we are faced with in this world:
"It's when you are in absolute surrender
to what you know in your heart
that you absolutely love
what you know in your heart.
There isn't anything else
that matters first and matters more."
When we allow ourselves to soften and become more gentled inside, more quieted and honest within, that tiny little bit of Knowing is what soothes and nourishes us the most and it's what we deeply Know is Home. Nothing outside is ever going to satisfy and nourish us like what we Know ...
Until next time,