Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Challenging Times and the Love of the Truth

Dear ones, how's it going? It seems that for many of us, myself included, we are going through some difficult and challenging times.   It's when the pressure is on that our old patterns kick in and that's the opportunity, although the experience feels terrible.  And yet in going deeper within this past week, I have discovered again, the absolute wonderfulness within the terribleness.  Let me share with you the main pattern currently being undone by me which is like two sides of the same coin.  If this coin had a name it would be called 'taking things personally.'  On one side are thoughts and feelings which would have me believe I'm some sort of victim (and believing such thoughts/feelings is quite depressing) and on the other side it's just as bad; anger (and after a flare up of that I feel bad in a different way).  Fun pattern that one, not.  Believing either side hurts; it hurts my own self, my system/body, it hurts others and it kind of poisons the very atmosphere (the unseen vibes and levels).  The thing is and this is what I really want to share with you, none of it is true, none of it is true (it's worth repeating).  Such illusory thoughts and beliefs are based on a level of 'I' that simply does not really exist; its only a pattern and it's in the system; it's partly genetic and it can all be undone right here and right now - it's all an inside job, that's the opportunity.  Instead of believing such a pattern, feeling terrible and then striving for some release via outer happiness and thus some relief from that pressure and difficulty - no, no, the answer is within and only within! (and besides, outer surface happiness is fleeting and superficial).   Instead, it's so deeply good to relax and let go of the tension, and in letting go of tension, we can relax into that wonderful tiny little bit that we always know the truth of that is always there and which we quietly know is somehow everything.  It's everything because it's all that is truly deeply real; it's you, it's me, it's the truth!  In not taking that illusory conditioned and even embodied level of 'I' to heart, we can move beyond it to what we know in our heart that is all deeper and not understood; there's no concept; there's no words, no thinking to get you there; it's there already, it's an altogether different orientation and when you are more gentled and quieted, you Know it.  Without relaxing you cannot know it, if you are busy believing crappy thoughts (that two-sided coin) you cannot see what is true and real and oh, so good.  It is so good to make that shift, it's everything and, secondarily, it makes you truly happy.  I have been so happy this week whenever I have moved beyond that old conditioning and that happiness is so real and it reminds me of when I was a small child, so playful and free to love.  How different, how wonderful - and of course the 'terribleness' is still there but in making that shift, I am relating so differently to such challenges that it no longer feels terrible at all, it's just something to take care of and do what I can.  Because another secondary benefit which comes from making that beautifully simple, subtle and tiny shift, is that the real me is so much more capable of handling it all!  Amazing - how much power we truly have when we soften into what is so quiet, so tiny, that it seems like nothing in the face of believing that illusory coin, that pattern of victim/anger - not me, not you and not true!
Until next time,

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Expansion and movement

Here at Knowledge College we've been lapping up John and his transmission, with an extra meeting tonight and then one more on Friday before he heads off to Sweden and then on to Denmark, (click here for details). 

I loved John's transmission last night, in which he opened up the deep so vastly it was as wide as the cosmos itself.  It is this kind of unseen learning and higher knowledge that makes it all worthwhile, allowing the possibility to awaken to what we truly are.  Increasingly for me that is all about expansion and movement, for in the deeper levels awareness moves in the unseen in such new and exquisite ways, with the potential and possibilities being literally endless.  In the meetings, John's a portal to all that, with his transmission magnifying those deeper levels and subsequent all different laws of movement and discovery.  On the surface, things are somewhat chaotic in my life, matching the unremitting outer worldly chaos.  Understanding the levels within and without make it somewhat easier to be in all of it; with the knowledge of where best to have one's feet, so to speak, being increasingly important.  With that being all about what you most deeply and quietly Know and not the surface level appearance of things.

If you're able to be with John overseas in the coming weeks, enjoy it, imbibe it, digest it, love it!  And if, like me, you get to stay home and 'guard the nest' awaiting our master's return, there is always homework; cutting edges; our individual and collective 'next's.'  For as separate as we seem to be, we're all in this together are we not?

Until next time,

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

What you really care about

Sometimes lately I've noticed a fed-up attitude on the surface level of my self which says 'I don't care' and there's a kind of letting go of concern in that - but it's not very real or honest!  On a deeper level of my self, attuned to my own Being, I do care - but it's all different when I'm honest to that deeper level.  Then I'm in service to what I know in my heart and not what I think and feel on the surface level of my self.

That's all I've got time to share with you today - it's movie night at Knowledge College!

Until next time,

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Ready for more?

Thank goodness John's back this weekend!  Although I've been getting on with the application of his teaching in my daily life, there's nothing like having the master back home, not only to exemplify the Truth, but he makes it all look so easy too.  And just being in his presence makes it easier to be True - that magical osmosis! Whilst he's been away I enjoyed tuning in online and here's a few snippets for you now, from the live broadcast from the Netherlands on Sunday (11am Alberta time):

"If you let your Being-filled heart
up into your face,
you will create."
"Every condition makes you flourish,
from the worst to the loveliest."
"When you're in it,
it isn't tiny, it's everything."
"It opens as you do."

Time for us Edmontonians to dust off our satchels and get ready for more Knowledge College.  We might have only barely digested the download from the Spring Seminar but you know what's coming don't you?  More.

Until next time,

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Complete in the Mmm ...

It seems to me like this world continues to be squeezed , with ensuing continued and increasing pressures of daily life, for all of us living in it.  And as life becomes more hectic and there's less time to do more things, there is, as always, only one place to be - that tiny lovely little bit we know the truth of in our hearts (without necessarily understanding what that is).  It's ever more important nowadays to soften and open, as all that pressure blows our cover on subconscious patterns, making life seem so difficult in our experience at times and with the softening and opening within allowing a beautiful relinquishing of the hold we once had on such patterns.

I love seeing how much John embodies the truth he speaks and it was good on the weekend to tune in to some of the live broadcasts from Israel.  Here's a few snippets for you, from Saturday's open mic gathering (10am Alberta time), when the questioner was asking John about being complete:

"If you look for something
in your self or in your life
you separate from what you really are."

He went on to elaborate that, from the perspective of the self, it seems like nothing, but it's as simple as relaxing into what you know in your heart, where nothing needs to change for you to be what is already complete - and where

"The more you unconditionally relax
the more you Have."

Later John spoke of the numerous times throughout the day when we are naturally a little bit like our own Being, but how we tend to take those moments for granted, such as when the sun first hits our body when we walk outside, or when we stand under a hot shower, and even when we eat food or drink something.  He likened those pleasurable experiences in the body as being something like, "Mmm."  As we begin to notice such moments with greater awareness, we can see how they do indeed point to something deeper that we Know is occurring within and we can begin to see that we can have that kind of response, without those outside triggers:

"All it is,
is you being in your heart.
The quieter the 'Mmm' is,
the more powerful it is."

Mmm... yes!  And the greater the pressure, the more we need to relax into what is so ok within; into that tiny little bit we Know the truth of in our heart - in a sense, it's moving in the opposite direction to the pressure.  That's what life's all about if you're an advocate of the Truth and John's teaching - it's the only way home - to relax, to open and soften, to be in that most tiny, most quiet, so lovely Mmm...  All unseen, so known, and so other than this world...

Until next time,