Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Knowing has to be Everything

Several years ago in Byron Bay, Australia, I remember speaking to John about Knowing. I recall saying to him, "hmm, Knowing has to be everything doesn't it?" and he nodded. I'm still integrating the truth of what it really means for Knowing to be everything. But I know what it means. It means not to get unnecessarily uptight about things. It means siding with Knowing in all situations, in all circumstances ... and in order to be able to do so I need to be sharp. Recently there were several days in a row where I was wonderfully sharp; allowing not a speck of negativity from dawn until dusk (and in between even!) And it was wonderful because, in being sharp, it was clear how difficulties arose; by believing and following a negative thought or reaction ... In being sharp, as soon as a whisp of negativity arose, I gave it nothing, zilch, zip, nada. And then beingness was all; Knowing was everything ... and it was easy. And it still is, I just fell off the knife edge for a while ... What preceded those days of being rooted in This was an increased willingness to be sharper in the meetings. And now once again, I'm back in the saddle, sword held high. And beingness, as I soften back into it, is there, like my dearest oldest most trusted and beloved friend.

At last night's meeting I was so aware of how John's ever more potent transmission filled the vast meeting hall. It was just thick, subtle, invisible, but so palpable and so strong and so richly good. And John's face in the meetings, his eyes, so pure, so kind of heart-breaking, like a silent distant call to come Home, to be Home. How can we not say Yes? Such a blessing to be in his divine presence ...

With luck there will be another chance to dialogue with John soon and ask him more questions which have been sent in. As always, if you have a question for John, please type it in the comments beneath this post.

Until next time,

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