Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Feeding what's Deeper

 I had a wonderful opportunity the other evening and I'm glad to say I didn't miss it.  It came about due to a circumstance in which I was feeling such discomfort my first impulse was to escape but then I found a way to transform those feelings.  I used that difficult experience to remain true to what I Know; to what I value the most within, and gradually I felt my feet became more and more firmly rooted in that deeper Goodness.  Then I sort of internally took everything I was experiencing down and in to those deeper levels within me and it was like they hit some kind of golden pool.  It was quite something to discover and experience this real alchemy, for as those uncomfortable feelings touched upon that golden pool, they were instantly transformed and soon it was, all different.  I moved it all Deeper until that's all there was for me (and meanwhile the circumstance was exactly the same) and then the Love began to flow.  A kind of love that moves me in my heart like nothing else can, a free flow of real Love.  And then it was all pretty magical ...

Meanwhile globetrotting John will soon be in Cologne, Germany, for a four day retreat and if you'd like to know more about that just click here. 

And then I'm anticipating another dialogue with him when he returns from Germany so if you have a question or if there's something you'd like to hear John speak about, please send it in by posting it as a comment below - and thanks for your contribution!

Until next time,



  1. This is lovely Shanti, would you say this is a form of spirit travel ?

    1. I wouldn't say that, no. It happens within, it is a form of alchemy and transformation. Thank you :)
