Tuesday, 15 July 2014

True Response

 "Response, within your self to what you Know,
draws your being into your self.
That makes your being the substance of your self.
It's the substance everyone is looking for
and tries to come to it 
by believing what it wants to be true 
and needs to be true -
creating a substance within the self that satisfies
only surface appetite.
It doesn't meet anything that is deeper in the self 
and it excludes the heart."

The above quote is from mid-way during the recent Summer Seminar where John was once again pointing out the value of responding to what we know the truth of in our heart and the foolishness of covering that up for a believed surface want or need.  And here's another great snippet from that same day:

"As soon as you, anywhere,
separate from what you do know
by believing what you don't know the truth of,
you are catapulted into the levels of your self
and barred from your own being..."

Barred from our own being!  Alas and alack!  And no wonder ... that nothing really works out when we put those bars in front of what we truly are, what we can have and be ...  Faulty wiring (a natural consequence of being born on this planet) doesn't help, but the application of John's teaching in daily life, truly does  :)

Dear ones, I have a nice surprise for you for next week.  No I can't say, it'd spoil the surprise, but let's just say it's more help to correct any residual faulty wiring still lingering in the system...  Meanwhile, as always, please type any question you may have for John in the form of a comment below, and thanks!

Until next time,


  1. Hi John,

    You have spoken about common sense being a level of knowledge in our selves. Can you speak about what conscience is and what its role is as a level of knowledge in us as well as what it means to apply it in our lives?

    Thanks you.

    Mr. Anderson

  2. Oh Mr Anderson, you're back! Nice to hear from you, as always :)

  3. Lavanya Moran (Holland)16 July 2014 at 12:53

    Dear John
    How can we help our children move away from the like and dislike way of living and speaking? Even our language is geared that way for them to express their joy of " liking " something so much - food, friends , a place.
    How to avoid this way of expressing and move into the recognition and expression of a deeper source of happiness ?
