The process of integration, of bringing what we most deeply Know the Truth of into what is ours, seems to me to be a somewhat multi-faceted process. After the Summer Seminar, quite a few of us were experiencing some unusual after-effects, such as increased tiredness, which for me was to do with the deeper level integration of what I'd received in the Deep during those meetings. And, in addition to his magical transmission, as outlined in last week's post, John made clear a new aspect of his teaching during the seminar, of bringing the deeper levels we have awakened to directly into the level of the person - and making that practical - and this week has seen me making some pretty big changes ... It makes sense that bringing such deeper Knowledge into the level of the person would manifest in ways on the surface and in life which, whilst known to be good, would also be something of a stretch - real change on the surface and in one's person has little or even nothing to do with our old comfort zone. It was clear to me that in making certain recent decisions my old comfort zone would reduce dramatically, thus creating the opportunity to come way more from my deeper levels; to be in life much more as a Being and much less as my accustomed self, (which of course also manifests as real change on the level of the person). And bringing something more of the deeper levels into the level of my person and making that practical is ... well, simply good.
It's about making any change which you Know will create more opportunity to make the deeper levels real; to manifest them and to really make it your new walk.
As I begin to take steps upon this newly created path, I see that it's all made much easier when I quietly love what is so real and true and good in such newness ... As John said, there's no turning back or turning away, just a much deeper level of forward - yes, that of walking with a deeper level! It feels timely to make such changes and for sure, those of us who attended the seminar have received all sorts of unseen super fuel to make such new steps ...
Until next time,
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