Tuesday 5 January 2016

Coming out of the Box!

The Winter Seminar is now over half way through - and it's just awesome to be here and to be absorbing what John's transmitting... Such amazing things are happening here, all unseen and yet palpable and wonderful.  Some of the most exciting words from John have been to do with how, as awareness, the level that you're coming from determines the level of body that you can move.  Here are a collection of snippets for you from the past week:

"Your self doesn't inform you of reality.
As you open, you do."
"You're able as a deeper body
to walk into your self.
Your walk as a deeper body into your self
changes your self 
- it conditions your self.
The deeper the body
the more powerful its magicalness."
"Awareness isn't formless.
Awareness on it's own isn't formless;
it only seems so
from the perspective of your self."
"Your physical body
eventually in your experience
is a mult-levelled, multi-dimensional body
perfectly suited to all the levels of you."

This is the most out-of-the-box liberating Seminar ever.  For me, I'm Realizing, deeper and finer, what I truly am - awareness which is actually so free and able to choose what to be; what to belong to.  As deeper levels open within, new abilities emerge such as being able to move newly in deeper bodies, all unseen, all Known.  More and more opens to us as we continue to Respond to what we Know within, willingly dropping what doesn't serve - we are such magicalness!  What sounds so far fetched and unbelievable from the perspective of the conditioned self and this world, is actually the Truth; and it's able to become the new 'normal' - with such awesome new normal-ness enabling us, as we quietly relate to much deeper levels within, to move our deeper, magical bodies, therein using heretofore undiscovered abilities to move reality, changing reality; changing our walk on this Earth, changing what most deeply matters ... We are not the programmed and falsely conditioned little self-ness that we previously believed - we are coming out of the box here big time.  Far, far from being encased in any box, as awareness responds to Knowing within, breaks free of illusion and discovers it's deep and magical abilities, there are truly no limits as to where it can go and what it can Know ... what a ride!  What a journey!  What a different different life ...
Key to all this magical unfolding of awareness, is the quiet willingness to not need to understand in the old way and, in not needing to have mental understanding, awareness is freed to respond to what is so quietly and simply Known within to be True - it's so good and so real ...

Until next time,

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