Tuesday 29 July 2014

Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing ...

John de Ruiter
We're now over half way through the long summer break from Knowledge College here in Edmonton and it's good to know that the meetings resume in about two and a half weeks ...  

 It's clear to me that being around John and attending the meetings at Oasis is most helpful in terms of keeping things moving forward and integrating more and more of what I Know.  Yet it's also been good to see what I can do without that support too.  Like I'm aware of the pitfall of always wanting more from John, rather than looking at what he's already given me and what I can be doing with that.  So although I'm still 'do-be-do-ing' (what I Know) throughout this summer break, and keeping in touch via listening to podcasts and CDs, I'm aware of the other-worldly nourishing goodness that comes from being around a living master and I'm glad I'll be seeing him soon.  For true evolution, there's nothing else quite like it ...

Wishing everyone happy summer days, (in the northern hemisphere!) and thanks to all those who've recently sent in some great questions.

Until next time,

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Mid-Summer Special Podcast

Surprise!  Yes, a brand new dialogue which got recorded right before the summer seminar is here for you to listen to right now as a special podcast.  More wonderful wisdom from John as he answers more of your great questions previously sent in - covering topics such as aggression and what to do about that, an explanation of what John means by 'meaning' and lots more!  To hear this latest new dialogue, click right here!    

More questions are always welcome, just type it as a 'comment' below, and thank you.  
Until next time,

Tuesday 15 July 2014

True Response

 "Response, within your self to what you Know,
draws your being into your self.
That makes your being the substance of your self.
It's the substance everyone is looking for
and tries to come to it 
by believing what it wants to be true 
and needs to be true -
creating a substance within the self that satisfies
only surface appetite.
It doesn't meet anything that is deeper in the self 
and it excludes the heart."

The above quote is from mid-way during the recent Summer Seminar where John was once again pointing out the value of responding to what we know the truth of in our heart and the foolishness of covering that up for a believed surface want or need.  And here's another great snippet from that same day:

"As soon as you, anywhere,
separate from what you do know
by believing what you don't know the truth of,
you are catapulted into the levels of your self
and barred from your own being..."

Barred from our own being!  Alas and alack!  And no wonder ... that nothing really works out when we put those bars in front of what we truly are, what we can have and be ...  Faulty wiring (a natural consequence of being born on this planet) doesn't help, but the application of John's teaching in daily life, truly does  :)

Dear ones, I have a nice surprise for you for next week.  No I can't say, it'd spoil the surprise, but let's just say it's more help to correct any residual faulty wiring still lingering in the system...  Meanwhile, as always, please type any question you may have for John in the form of a comment below, and thanks!

Until next time,

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Summer Seminar Snippets

John de Ruiter at this Summer's Western BBQ
What an unusual and intense Summer Seminar that was!  Whereas previously it seemed to me that the past few seminars at Oasis were about clearing our selves out of our heart, and subesquently about the awakening of our deeper levels, and then about moving those deeper levels - this latest seminar seemed to be about bringing those deeper levels of our being up and out ...  
Anyhow, now it's time for some summertime digesting of all that magical unseen goodness we have received ... And for those who weren't able to attend, below are some special snippets from the last week of the seminar:

"What your person seems like, looks like,
you have no loyalty to.
All of that is available for change.
It is available for your awakened levels of your body
to come into This and be manifest."
"Your full response to those levels of your being
enable you to be those levels coming up into your person,
manifesting in person,
replacing what used to be your identity ..."
"Love dispels what enables the mixture."
 Your full response 
to what you Know in your heart
brings you into your being.
All of this full response 
brings your heart into purification.
It displaces what you have taken to heart
concerning your self." 
- JdR 2 July 2014
 "Core-splitting honesty in awareness to what it Knows
turns into core-splitting willingness.
Awareness relaxed, not just in the heart, 
but also in the will,
brings you, in all of your will,
into full response to all you Know."
"All of your energy on every level belongs
to you simply being and doing what you Know."

- JdR 4 July 2014
"In being weaned of your self,
because you simply remain in deep meaning you Know,
stories have no purchase in you."
"You live and move by your deeper levels within.
You live having your being, 
instead of having your stories."
"In embodying what you deeply Know,
any hook of distraction is what you directly release."
"Personal investment is no longer yours to have,
it is yours to release.
Personal investment, no longer caged in by want and need,
is simply released from you 
as having any kind of meaning.
Deep meaning that you Know the truth of
is what you belong to."
"Put into all darkness or all light,
you are simply staid 
in deepest meaning that you Know."

- JdR 6 July 2014
Pretty cool, pretty awesome stuff indeed.  Words to live by ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Pure Summer Seminar

The Summer Seminar is well and truly underway and I'm feeling it in various ways.  The meeting on Saturday afternoon was incredibly powerful, as John delivered a seminal seminar teaching, delivering his words with such potency that I could barely keep taking notes.  The title of this week's Post is because of what is currently occurring in me to do with a deeper clean ...  Recent events have led me to take a good look within, including my past and some deeply seated beliefs which clearly no longer serve me.  Loving the honesty and deeper discerning involved helps me to clean up my act ... 
And now of course, some more golden snippets from John from Sunday's evening meeting:

"When you, awareness, is relaxed within your self,
your self will have no spin.
It is simply as it is- available - for you to be in
To be openness and softness of heart in.
Your self, spun, is unteachable.
Your self, without a spin, is malleable.
It will move and change,
to match what you're being in it.
The scope of your experience
 isn't then determined by what self you have,
it is determined by your heart.
The scope of your experience 
is determined most by purity of heart.
A heart unmixed,
a heart available for your being,
a self available for your heart.
Purity of heart removes the confines of experience.
Without any beliefs experience is pure."

John went on to speak then about how, without beliefs, your self can move outwardly in the direction that you're coming from, enabling you, through your self, to be seen.  He said, "Beliefs in your self introduce constraints of want and need.  Beliefs cripple your self."  Yes, and I'm seeing how, in me, there have been some subconscious beliefs which, because I have never deeply looked into them, have been boundaries and filters to my own deeper beingness.  Beliefs which stopped my being from being able to have  that pure space in my self ... all because of subconsciously believing it needed to be that way.  Those beliefs never really  served me - or anyone else for that matter!  I feel touched within to be able to see all this, in form, and not after I've died, so that I can take steps to make amends, to not have those crippling beliefs any more.   Facing such boundaries within and seeing them for what they truly are is not pleasant but it is so deeply good!

Before I sign off, another reminder, if you have any questions you'd like to send in for John, to post them as a 'comment' below - thank you.  And, if you're not able to be here for this seminar, you can check out the John de Ruiter website's online store in the coming weeks for some great CD's and online products.  Just click here to see what's available.  

Until next time,