Tuesday 26 April 2016

Dying to the Illusion

On Sunday evening John gave a wonderful talk at Knowledge College when he spoke of being what you know in your deeper levels, at expense to your self and followed through all the way into the level of your person...

"Your deep opening to what you know
is your initial movement into oneness;
awareness returning to being one with knowing
- at any cost."
"As you remain in the depth of that opening
everything that comes together may feel
like you in your self are coming all apart
But in you remaining together;
awareness and knowing being one,
all of the aspects of your self, 
conscious and subconsciouscome together."

He went on to speak of how this real and deep coming together is a profound disturbance to the conscious self and that, "It's the end of your life in an illusion."  As the subconsciousness becomes revealed our whole relationship in how we have known our self dies and is replaced by all new deeper streams of our own Being...

"Your relationship to what you perceived as reality
based on your conscious self dies.
It's the end of reality and life as you've known it."
"Control, by way of separation;
you separating the aspects and the levels of your self, is over.
There's new wondrous control that is absolute.
Awareness controlled by Knowing.
It's movement is Love.
Illusion passes away
and your Being gets to have everything that's yours.
Because it is all of it, it all becomes One..."

It was truly a stellar talk and John went on to speak of how accustomed thought and feeling on the level of the self becomes replaced by "what thought and feeling is like when your Being has it."  This wonderful deep turn around within, coming about by our complete response to what we most deeply Know the truth of whilst the subconsciousness comes up into our conscious self, is what enables our Being to take control.  For sure, this is a time of unprecedented change on this planet - and we get to be a part of it!

Until next time,

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Be what you Know and don't let go

Dear ones, sorry that this week's post comes to you a day late - I actually forgot!  In addition to my own art practice, I also work a day job and it's been pretty stressful at times this week.  Although the experiences I've recently gone through have not been pleasant, I learned such valuable lessons.  For sure it's easiest to be and do what you Know within that's all deeper than the conditioning of the accustomed self and this world when life is relatively calm - but when the pressure is strongly on, whatever is not like one's own Being is going to come up.  That is actually beautiful and what life's all about - just the experience of it is awful!  The best part was when I hit something like rock bottom (on Monday) and, realizing how far from home I was under the weight of all that pressure, I just let-go of everything I'd been in; all that I'd been hanging onto and trying to make right and the whole situation.  In such a kind of rock bottom letting-go I was, in a sense, risking a lot on the surface.  The extreme circumstances and pressure, whilst leading to a lot of tension and unpleasant feelings within, showed me so beautifully how far from home I had gone, until there was only one thing left to honestly do - what I Know.  The practicalities of that meant that I risked losing what I was so tightly hanging onto, but in letting-go I remembered my real love and my real treasure and realized more deeply and more practically even, how to truly live my life; from where and what to live my life - no matter what!  Such an opportunity and such good learning!  Horrible to experience though!  Makes it all pretty damn clear I have to say, once again, more deeply and obviously real to me, what to let go of and what not to let go of ...

There is only time to be and do what you Know and don't let go.  Then you don't have to go through such horrible experiences (the valuable feedback calling you back Home) .. Seeing what we are mistakenly believing and holding onto (as if it's valuable when we know it's not at all) and then letting that go, returning to being altogether more simple and sweet and with an open heart, in the face of any circumstance - come what may - simply because that is what is true.  Letting go of a dishonest way of being, even if the whole world seems to be that way, and returning to a clean and clear way of being, our real love within .. 
In letting go of what doesn't serve and holding hands only with what is true ... the relaxation, the ease, the peace within ...  Simply be and do what you know - and don't let go!

Until next time,

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Learning to live, in Love

The College of Integrated Philosophy or as I like to call it, Knowledge College, is such a cool place to be - primarily because there is so much real learning on offer there.  It's a different kind of learning for sure; not the kind that is first practically useful in this world - and yet, strangely enough, in applying this most other kind of knowledge, absolutely everything benefits..  Simply put, being around John and his teaching helps me to live from the heart, to relax under pressure and to come from what is deeper within than the conditioning of the accustomed self.  In applying what is learned in Knowledge College in one's daily life, so much changes for the better, and it happens all behind you ... It's the most wonderful and golden teaching, giving unprecedented opportunity to really and truly live ...  And on Sunday I got a particularly good seat in the evening meetingand there was so much light coming from John - wow - with such light also being a kind of knowledge, and even a kind of real food ...  such nourishment - all beyond this world and yet coming in; being received and responded to and rippling out ...

Dear ones, it's been a hugely busy day and as such it's a shortish post today...  the new website is still almost ready to launch - and life is good.

Until next time,

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Keep calm and sparkle!

The title of this week's post comes from a glittery pink travel mug I recently bought - and it's good advice in an increasingly stressed out world.  There's definitely been opportunities this past week for heeding such words of wisdom, as others have seemingly been a bit mean to me ...  When stuff like that happens, it's about not letting any reactivity take hold for long and in that, the sooner I start opening and softening the better.  It's clearly all an inside job; there's no use waiting for others to behave differently - staying open and living from the heart is what it's all about.  So although I dream at times of living in an eco village surrounded by the beauty of nature,  I'm staying put and taking every difficulty as an opportunity to open my heart, to soften any hard edges which show up and to go deeper within; to stay true...

Loving what we Know and letting go of any surface story or spin, is what puts us rightside up again.  The opening and softening points us to that deeper Knowing and brings balance to the system; it brings in the calm - a little bit deeper and we can even begin to quietly sparkle ...  

Until next time,