Tuesday 8 March 2016

The Speck, the Energy Centers & Living Rightside Up

I loved Sunday afternoon's meeting when John spoke of the energy centers that we have and how they (like everything else that's ours) belong to our Being and not to the conditioned self:

"Your energy centers
are what you have as a Being
to come into seen  form.
The way that this world moves
the energy centers need to be configured
to the conditioned self.
The energy centers then energize illusion,
instead of your Being,
all the way through into your person.
Your energy centers,
configured to your deeper levels,
because you use them to respond
in your life to your deeper levels,
is the beginning of you being turned rightside up -
a little speck in this world living rightside up
- a change in this world."

In living from an open and soft heart and responding to our deeper levels within, we naturally bring our energy centers into alignment with our own Being:

"It introduces a different context for movement,
which turns into the movement of your Being
through your energy centers
instead of the movement of your self.
When you live from your heart
that naturally includes your other centers."

To move in the delectable streams of our own Being, we'll be happily swimming against the streams of this world, moving from the seen into the deeper unseen where, paradoxically, everything becomes, though unseen, so real ...

Until next time,

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