Tuesday 29 March 2016

Super Spring 2016

The Spring Seminar is quite something this year, with John's transmission downloading awesome new light coded information and at times there's also been some excellent talks.  On Saturday he spoke of how the principal way awareness goes out of balance in the seen is the same in the unseen and that in a similar way the subconsciousness within the self is largely hidden from the conscious self.  He spoke of how this imbalance causes awareness to believe that choice is it's own, not realizing that it's ways are being largely controlled by the subconsciousness - and how these veils are being removed.  Later in this same talk, John spoke of how we don't want to see the powers of illusion that have form in our selves and that the unseen veils on multiple levels in our selves and outside of our selves are all pathways that actually belong to our complete function as awareness, from the deepest levels within outwards.  He spoke of how we grow from the innocence of a baby to stepping into conditioning and separateness, obscuring our real seeing, resulting in a painful nervous system...

"We are here to be all of the unseen.
As we move into these strange and awkward forms,
that don't represent what we really are
- love in the midst of varying degrees of hostile environments -
for what we are as Beings, it's perfect.
The perfection of that is compromised
as soon as we leave our innocence
and buy into the illusion.
We are here, as the unseen,
to radiate into the seen.
As we live this, in innocence,
our strange forms develop and change
to match the unseen that we're being.
As that occurs, there is an increase
of the profound resonance in this world of hope."

The whole talk from John during that meeting was wonderful and, whilst such a talk can seem like a lot to comprehend in its entirety, the most essential part of his teaching is utterly simple: opening and softening within and directly relating to the tiny little bit you know the truth of in your heart - and to continue in that, in the midst of everything that's yours, until you don't live as anything else ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 22 March 2016


Have you ever noticed how often you perhaps say 'no' out of habit?  It's worth bringing more awareness to this and then noticing the subtle different alignment within when we change from that instant 'no' to an altogether sweeter 'yes.'  On Sunday afternoon John spoke of this when he said:

"Whilst saying no is a habit,
   saying yes inside is contagious."

Although the 'yes' may feel less powerful, it's usually a more true response; putting you more in your heart and less in your conditioned self...    I loved it when John went on to say:

"Let openness and softness
replace the loyalty in your self
- you won't miss the loyalty."
"You, opening and softening
unconditionally in your life,
returns you to innocence.
It sets you free from your self and your past.
Where there is innocence,
instead of being loyal to your self,
you are free."

Free to love, free to fly, free to say yes!

Until next time,

Tuesday 15 March 2016

From the Chaos to the Calm

In this complex life, the Truth we know within is so subtle, so simple and so good, yet when life delivers challenging situations our experience can feel chaotic and stressful, reducing our love of the truth within to something barely discernible.  Yesterday John spoke of the experience of being what you Know within chaos, saying:

"It's like flying through your subconsciousness
with a spider line,
without breaking it."

As life triggers patterns of stress and disharmony, the 'little bit we Know is true' is always there - and it can increasingly become your 'go-to' no matter what.  Later in that same meeting, John spoke about apprehending Truth, saying:

"In apprehending, begin with warmth and then
add fire."
"The warmth and the fire is
.. love."

Yes it's all about Love - opening and softening, adding warmth, coming from what we know the truth of in our heart, leads us out of the chaos and back to the calm.  Amidst all the complexity that's the simple part - and for the rest, it's about simply doing what we know is good, even if that makes us feel a bit vulnerable.  Such as reaching out to a friend when you need someone you can open up to - and that's about love too isn't it?

Before I sign off today, a word about the new website - it's taken way longer than I thought, but yes - it's still coming, soon! 

Until next time,

Tuesday 8 March 2016

The Speck, the Energy Centers & Living Rightside Up

I loved Sunday afternoon's meeting when John spoke of the energy centers that we have and how they (like everything else that's ours) belong to our Being and not to the conditioned self:

"Your energy centers
are what you have as a Being
to come into seen  form.
The way that this world moves
the energy centers need to be configured
to the conditioned self.
The energy centers then energize illusion,
instead of your Being,
all the way through into your person.
Your energy centers,
configured to your deeper levels,
because you use them to respond
in your life to your deeper levels,
is the beginning of you being turned rightside up -
a little speck in this world living rightside up
- a change in this world."

In living from an open and soft heart and responding to our deeper levels within, we naturally bring our energy centers into alignment with our own Being:

"It introduces a different context for movement,
which turns into the movement of your Being
through your energy centers
instead of the movement of your self.
When you live from your heart
that naturally includes your other centers."

To move in the delectable streams of our own Being, we'll be happily swimming against the streams of this world, moving from the seen into the deeper unseen where, paradoxically, everything becomes, though unseen, so real ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Making it Easy

Contrary to popular belief amongst most Earth plane dwellers, we are in fact powerful Beings!  As such, being aligned with what we know the truth of in our hearts is not so difficult, even when we're experiencing something which feels difficult on the level of the accustomed self (our own or another's).  Opening and softening is the way, and is the only way, Home.  And it is easy and the more we acquaint ourselves with the loveliness that we always have within (yes always, because it's True you) the easier it gets to say yes to openness and softness of heart being our walk, through all of life.  What I'm realizing is how wonderful it actually is; how this all works, how it plays out and how you don't get to enter your heart's knowing without paying the cost, making it all so real.  The cost is all that we've taken to heart as being something that defines who we are, a held onto egoic system of belief; and it's worth pretty much nothing.  Certainly not compared to the simple beauty of a rested, open and soft heart - and then the deeper levels, discoverable through that doorway of knowing in the heart, are ever more lovely for sure.  Here's some snippets for you now, from just over a week ago, (on Sunday 21st Feb) when John, in speaking of the difference between the accustomed self and the Being, spoke of that 'tragic split':

"It doesn't hold on its own
- so then really there is no split.
It's only where you sustain it,
where you need it."

He went on to speak of letting core-splitting honesty germinate in your person, marking the end of the split and you being all different in your life:

"It becomes most real
when you, as a person, bow into it
without a ripple of loss.
That's the end of the split
and of your personal life as you've known it.
If it isn't only easy,
you're making it difficult."
"There is only one kind of surrender
that is full of love and ease
and that is when 
surrender is absolute."

If we are not coming from an open and soft heart, we are living in illusion.  Openness and softness of heart has to be there if we are going to live in what is actually real and true, it is an absolute must; it's science in a sense.  In coming from what is deeper within than the accustomed self, we open up to what we truly are and we see so much more.  That lovely space, all deeper than our accustomed self, that of our own Being within, is so much better able to handle all of life and all our difficulties; our poor little selves just aren't able to handle it when the heat is on  - and it is on, isn't it?  Come into your true nature and your true power, not with hardness and willful hanging on to what is old, but by a quiet inner unconditional surrender to that beautiful open and soft heart ... it takes you Home, easy.

Until next time,