Tuesday, 28 May 2013

That Magical Goodness

John de Ruiter

It is good to have John back and in that first meeting on Sunday evening, it was so clear to me that when he is here It is so much easier,  more obvious, more prevalent... There is no doubt that he does it here; he fills the hall with It ... and then I am immersed in what is Deeper, Higher, True and different...  On Sunday, he asked someone in the Chair about what they knew of what was occurring here in the meetings... For me what is occurring here in the meetings is nothing short of magicalalchemical and quantum.  John is a cosmic quantum magician, among other things.  What he brings is so other-worldly that it is difficult to put it into words, but here goes.  It is divine.  It is Goodness made palpable, breathable.  It heals and it nurtures, even when the accustomed small self rebels and reacts or feels bored or 'doesn't get it' - it gets it, you get it, whether you are aware/aligned enough to recognize that or not, if you're there, you're receiving and imbibing that other-worldly Goodness.  I would point out though, that it helps exponentially to be sharp in the meetings, not to doze off or let the mind wander; to stay focused on what is occurring, particularly in the more subtle realms, even if you're not enjoying on the level of the self, you can always focus on John as a way to stay connected to him and what he is providing.  Then there is the measured way John teaches, both in the seen and heard ways and in the unseen and barely discernable ways, he is always multi-tasking in the meetings.  He is with the person in the Chair, he is also permeating the entire Hall with a transmission from the Beyond (the unseen magical Goodness), he is constantly discerning what is appropriate from various viewpoints, including the Bigger Picture (oh, what he must Know that he has, thus far, never spoken of...) and our en-masse readiness and ripeness to receive what is 'next'.  And from our side, we are also able to multi-task and receive that Goodness for ourselves, and also for what is a far bigger context than what our selves are... We are all transmitters here, after all.  And as we bask regularly in John's most supreme transmission, his magic is able to transmute what is a baser metal in us into gold, into what is Pure.  And I have a sense of the Bigger Picture too, which concerns not only life on this planet, and the Dear planet itself, but far beyond, affecting dimensions and realms I have currently only the faintest resonance of, yet I know we are here to do something entirely profound. Of course, why else, such a teacher at this time?

Dear ones, it is time to sign off.  I will be asking John many of the questions you have sent in, some of which are quite brilliant! this Friday and then preparing to upload the dialogue as a podcast as soon as possible.

Until next time,


  1. Question 1:

    You have talked about The Calling being a level that moves, balances and is greater than both Reality and Greater Reality. Can you contrast what The Calling is compared to what calling is on other more surface levels as well as how different levels of callings relate to The Calling?

    Mr. Anderson.

  2. Question 2:

    Can you talk about the exact value that creative expression has in relationship to The Calling and what is the price involved in neglecting creative expression of any kind?

    If you have time, Shanti perhaps you can ask John what creative expression is for.

    Mr. Anderson

  3. Loving your questions Mr Anderson, or should I call you... Neo?

  4. Dear John
    Is what you call Knowing the same as what others would call the field or zero point energy?
    Thank you
