Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Mastering the Matrix

John's still away and I miss him.  But I've been watching some of the live broadcasts, listening to him on CD and Podcasts and getting on with my homework.  I know what my cutting edges are.  These days I'm all about integrating the ground in my self.  I'm quietly working it all out within... being honest, being clear, staying as clean as I can, keeping free from the muck of old patterns, too many of which still tug at my sleeve and beg to be believed.  OK, they don't actually tug my sleeve, no, what happens is I find myself mid-stream feeling annoyed (for example) or in some way tense, and then I go 'A-ha! I know what this is, I know what this is not...'  And then it's simply a case of softening into the Deeper and altogether lovelier beingness within and whatever part of the matrix I was in - poof! - I'm out.  In this way of dissolving old patterns, I am steadfastly mastering the matrix and it's a lot more interesting, challenging and fun than the past-conditioned self's idea of... well, everything!

Meanwhile John now leaves Germany for Israel - enjoy that if you're there! - and then I'm looking forward to seeing him back home on Sunday.

The wondrous Summer Seminar begins next month!  It will go for two precious weeks from 24th June to 7 July and people from around the world come to participate - if you want in, get the info by clicking here...   
And I'm recording another dialogue with John in less than two weeks' time so if you've got a question for him, please type it below.

Until next time,


  1. Q for John. Is it true that mediums do not contact the dead but only the entities who were attached to the person before they died? What of more direct contact the living may sense from a departed love one, can we trust that?

  2. Hi John. I would enjoy to hear more of your own story of evolution. What has been your own greatest help in evolving?

  3. Dear John,

    I heard in ven varden you were talking a lot about preparing for a relationship, could you talk more on the subject and when do you know you are ready or ripe for a relationship to occur?

  4. Is there a deeper reason for gay relationships?

  5. After a marriage has dissolved, it is worth while to remain in the bond or is it better to seek a new relationship?
