Tuesday, 14 January 2014

The Walk after the Talk

As life returns somewhat to normal, after two weeks of soaking in the other-worldly Winter Seminar, it is interesting to note what has really changed in me and what still needs to be integrated.  It is lovely, for sure, to spend time out of one's normal routine and participate in a true spiritual retreat where what is most true and what is most loved is spread daily before you, like a feast from heaven and where you can eat to your heart's content.  Being thrown, as it were, back into the daily routines of life, in a world not exactly heavenly, can feel pretty rough.  Yet I see the value, the goodness, the necessity of going back into one's daily life, where that banquet of goodness and nurture is no longer so evidently laid out for you.  The contrast itself is so helpful to see.   In the willingness to keep moving forward, it's good to see what new ground has been realized and to tend that new ground by walking on it, by keeping one's feet in it.  

Before I sign off, a little snippet from last night's meeting, where John pulled no punches and told it like it is:

"You're not going to survive,
you're going to die.
What you came in with isn't meant to survive."

"You're not given everything that you have
so that you can have an experience
or the experiences of life.
You're given everything you have
so that you can manifest what you first are
within these forms.
It's an opportunity that you're given."

"Your self will show you
what you live for.
Shift your orientation as awareness 
to living for what you know.
There isn't really anything else.
Everything else will pass away.
Your time in a body is short.
It isn't going to go on and on.
Whatever you use your time for,
your time, in a body, is short.
The reality of that
begs that you be clear."
JdR - 13 January 2014

Until next time,


  1. Beautifully said my dear, and your love of it shines through in every word. Thanks

  2. Hello John, you recently spoke about moving by the results of what you are able to be in and I would like to know more about this as it sounds like relating to the experiences of deeper body movement which is not relating to the knowing. Is it that in the beginning we relate only to knowing and then later more to the experiences of the deeper body? Thank you.
