Wednesday 1 January 2014

Winter Wonderful

Happy New Year!
Wow!  What a magical start to the New Year! I am referring to the fantastic NYE party at Oasis last night, for which everyone dressed in the most magical attire ... there was everything from Princess Leia to extraordinarily tall mythical forest creatures.  Really I don't think I've ever seen so much creativity and energy in one room.  It was really something to be a part of.  And then there was Eli Johnson, a dear old gentleman who came to the party with Baba, who was overheard commenting that "there's a lot of love here.. and different realms."  I don't have a photo of Eli to show you, but if I did, trust me, you would never have guessed that he was none other than John himself, in the most brilliant disguise.  What I found most interesting was that, despite the fact that he had altered his appearance so utterly, including changing the colour of his skin, wearing brown contact lenses and shuffling around with a cane, he was the same.  When I looked into Eli's eyes, it was the same energy transmission - and so it was wonderfully different to see and to know that what we are on the surface isn't what's really going on ...

And yesterday was also magical for me because I went to the Chair and John once again took me into the Deep with him and downloaded me with that most invisible and divine other-worldly food.  Mmmmmm ... ..

Before I sign off, for those of you not able to be here, a few Golden Snippets from this truly amazing Seminar so far:

"This reality is protected from being able to perceive
and enter Greater Reality until it's ready.
When it's ready Greater Reality moves,
calling reality forward,
but it doesn't call forward reality on it's own,
it has to come through people.  
And in doing so, awareness within people
is apprehended by the direct Knowing of reality
that is beyond reality as we've known it.
The change of reality is made real and actual 
through people first.
It's made real through the power holders."
JdR - 27 December 2013 
"Your self isn't the form of you,
your being is the form of you."
JdR - 29 December 2013 
 "In the deeper levels
you're moved as awareness by Knowing.
The results of that 
that come into your body,
is the new form.
That new form moves as your new ability."
JdR - 31 December 2013 
And sorry for today's Post being a day late - back to normal next week on Tuesday - 'til then, as always please type any questions for John in the 'comments' below. 

Until next time,

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