Tuesday 28 June 2016

Magical, fantastical, timely and true!

The Summer Seminar is off to a sparkling start here at Knowledge College this year with John's transmission during last night's meeting (day one) being noticeably thicker.  It's such an interesting unseen thing, his transmission; it's kind of everything in This and thus perhaps worth me expanding upon somewhat.  Unseen to the accustomed way of looking, in order to perceive it you need first to relax and become most quieted and gentled inside, attuning as awareness to what is customarily overlooked.  For although his transmission is clearly powerful, (just ask those who go to the Chair), in order to fully perceive and receive it we must first attune, as awareness, to what is most subtle.  Once you're in a stream of a deeper level within and particularly one that is attuned to John's powerful transmission during a seminar, it is then somewhat describable although it's other worldliness makes it difficult to do so adequately.  The more gone you are as awareness into such a transmission, the more of a challenge it can be to say anything about it at all, kind of like being awestruck by being in a magical place we simply don't have any language for.  It's substance is like a thick unseen plasma, nectarful energy able to be consumed only via directly relating to it; direct knowledge of it.  I see how John masterfully multi-tasks in This, working directly both with the questioner in the Chair, the room as a whole and more.  Last night, one of the questioners likened what she was seeing as she looked at John as him being "like a star" - yes, deeper seeing means you cannot help but see him radiating a light far beyond this world. 

With our own sun being itself a star at the heart of our solar system, it's influence extending far beyond our own planet and without which there'd be no life on this Earth, so too I see how John's light encoded transmission gives such marvelous unseen energy to all on this planet and far beyond, transmitting Higher Knowledge full of transcendental Love.  For those of us here participating in this year's Summer Seminar, we are the front line recipients of  such sparkling new information, the ingestion of which, whilst it includes our own selves and physical systems, continues to move and to ripple out throughout this world and far beyond - moving what is unseen into the seen and transforming all.  Magical, fantastical, timely and true!  And so powerful.   Paradoxically when we attune as awareness into those subtle all deeper and other worldly streams of Higher Knowledge & Love it's all pretty normal - 'cos when you're in that kind of unseen substance, that's all you know and all you breathe, all there truly is.  For those of us in love with Truth, there's nothing quite like it is there?  You don't see it with accustomed eyes, you won't know it through accustomed thoughts and feelings, but you can always know it directly when you become gentled, quieted and go deeper within.  And whilst some have more of a challenge discerning what is all deeper within than the accustomed self and this world, even during such a seminar as this, for all of us everywhere there is always the tiny little bit that you do know the truth of in your heart - always restful, smiling, simple.

If you're here for this seminar, relax, enjoy, attune to the subtle and continue to do so even after you exit those doors at the back of the hall.  It's summer here, time to radiate - what we receive from John's transmission, what we gently, quietly and truly love the most, what we Know...

Until next time,

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