Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Incomprehensible to an artificial world

The title of this week's post comes directly from John during last night's evening meeting, mid-way through the Summer Seminar here at Knowledge College.  It was part of a beautiful talk where he was speaking of the same richness of  Being and not to the surface illusory self which, like this world, relates to gain and loss so differently to how our Being relates.  John exemplifies the truth of this profound teaching, as we see him being that constant openness towards everyone - producing that same beautiful richness of Being.

I'll give you some more quotes directly, but I just want to say too that this Seminar is highly unusual with John's transmission being stronger again and much finer.  I think it was the last seminar when I spoke of the roof coming off here - well in any case, since day one of this seminar, it's not only the roof, but the walls and the floor too - as what is being opened up here by John enables unlimited access now to all that is beyond this world.  Yes, unfathomable to this world and to the self programmed not to see beyond it.  But now the gates are open - come out of the box en masse!

            "What you are one with, you are."    (day 7)
"The sense of self
doesn't belong to the self,
           it belongs exclusively to the Being."   (day 8)
"The Being just freely moves
within the sense of self.
Any presence within gain is the Being,
any presence within loss is the Being
          - flourishing within any given path."   (day 8)
"It is the difference between
the 'I' belonging to it's self
or the 'I' belonging to what it Knows.
The Knowing is inclusive of all the levels.
The self is inclusive of the person and it's life
                     and nothing deeper."              (day 8)
"Instead of gain revealing
how much you get of what you like,
gain reveals how deep you go;
gain reveals your Being
              - and loss, equally so."       (day 8) 
"All the way through
           there is no good, but you."   (day 8)
"Weighted because it's given form,
it's lived, in form.
Particularly within an environment 
that isn't like that yet.
            This goodness has no opposite."    (day 8)
There is really, only what we Know, but it takes that subtle shift of awareness to that which is all deeper than the conditioned self belonging to the programme of this world, for us to See and to be what we truly are.  When we stop relating to the pervasive illusory sense of that little self, we perceive everything so differently, perceiving through what we Know is true and not what this world has told us is true.  It's like seeing with your heart and not through the veils of illusion which, by the way, are most definitely being systematically removed! About time, too.

Before I sign off today a word about the new website which is about to be born.  It's going to be bigger and there will be more to look at, but for those who simply enjoy reading my weekly blog posts, they will all be there on the new website (over four and a half years' worth!) and the weekly posts will continue just the same.  It's coming super soon!

Until next time, (come out of the box, en masse!)

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