Tuesday 27 August 2013

Blinded by the light

John is back and it was so good to be in the meetings with him again where he seemed to me to be weightier with Knowledge, kinder and more powerful.  And there was so much light coming from him at times I could hardly see him.  It was lovely, nurturing and simply so good.

Yesterday he spoke beautifully of the need to be the clarity that's in our heart.  Here's a few Golden snippets :

"Listen to your clarity instead of listening to your self."

"Your self is a loud voice,
the clarity that is in your heart
is a quiet voice.
You don't belong to the loud voices."

When he was kindly explaining to the questioner that she had little self problems because she listened to her little self, he said:

"It isn't going to stop until
you listen to your clarity
instead of listening to your self."

Yes, to not give in to the demands of the little self does cost us what's been our accustomed ways and reactions.  Yet, as John so cleanly pointed out, when we don't pay such cost, we are then victims of that little self instead of being, as he said: "more than your self and bigger than your self."  

John spoke of empowering the clarity by living by it and even by living for it.

"Everything that is yours belongs to your clarity."
In all this, as always, honesty and discernment are key in unlocking the door that keeps us imprisoned in that little self perspective.  And in that, the first thing that's clear is to open and soften ...

I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it to Nordegg this weekend, but it will no doubt be a blast for all those lucky enough to attend the upcoming retreat in the mountains.  A blast of fresh air, beautiful surroundings and of course more wise words and illumination from John.  I anticipate that a new dialogue with him will soon be scheduled, so please send in any questions for him in the usual way.

Until next time,

Tuesday 20 August 2013

This Moment

It's a constant learning; to live in the moment.  The difficulties I wrote about in last week's post are on-going and I'm dealing with it all as best I can.  At times I feel I'm walking on a knife edge, not to get taken by all the anxious thoughts and feelings; to deal with it all with the help of what is deeper and calmer within.  That way of walking is truly only moment by moment. 

Somehow the summer break from John and the meetings is almost over as there's a meeting this Friday.  Though it seemed so long at the beginning, now it feels like it was over in a blink.

As I end this little post, I can feel the poignancy of life being made up of so many tiny moments and what an art it is to learn to live them well and with heart ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Softening in the midst of Profound Difficulty

The past 24 hours have presented me with what can definitely be classed as profound difficulty.  For much of it, I was just thrown into the midst of the trauma and felt pretty overwhelmed and assaulted by the events.  But I have been increasingly going to my little bit within, to what is deeper than any trauma or circumstance, no matter how awful (and it has been awful) and I have been realizing more as a result of that orientation.  I know I use John's terminology a lot, but it is really good language for expressing the truth.  In the midst of this profound difficulty, I was presented with yet a bit more difficulty - and that could have easily become too much ... but instead I have been achieving something like breakthroughs, in that I am able to, in the midst of all this awfulness, realize abilities which have to do with simply not making things any worse than they already are.  It's been so horrible, and I've been softening and softening - and still feeling it all - actually feeling more, I suspect.  But when yet one more thing came along, and the tendency to harden and close was right there, I just didn't, I just became calm, it was like, I couldn't feel any worse, so I had to stay calm, and then I softened, and I just dealt with the extra difficulty.  I stayed open and soft and I dealt with it as best I could and I felt so much easier in it, I felt True. In fact in dealing with it in that open and soft way, there were some nice surprises, and it certainly wasn't remotely as difficult as it would have been if I had stayed in the hardening and tightening.  So that's what's going on.  It is still going on and I am doing my best.  I realize more than ever I think that life is like this; sometimes things happen and it can feel absolutely awful and it is absolutely awful, and yet, when I soften and stay in what is deeper and truer, when I don't harden and tighten and make a 'poor me' story out of it, I can live through these times with altogether more grace and loveliness.  More than ever, I get why John goes on and on about openness and softenss of heart - it is absolutely key to true freedom.  It's not about feeling blissful all the time, it's about being true in whatever circumstance life brings.  For that kind of learning, I am grateful and I see that it is what life is (an opportunity) for - that is the evolution.

Until next time,

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Balancing Act

 This long summer break from John and the meetings is bringing about a kind of balance, as I can no longer rely on his transmission in the meetings for going deeper or of being able to ask him a question in the cafe.  I have, therefore, been working out much more of life's twists and turns on my own - and I know that's good.  Definitely starting to miss him though! 

Balance in all things in life isn't always easy to accomplish, but when I Know to address a certain imbalance in my life, I do so.  For instance, it's pretty easy for me to become too much of a hermit, and that's an easy one to fix by simply meeting up with a friend for coffee.  With all decisions, I endeavour to make them from a place within which is deeper than my surface level self.  The deeper me is always naturally moving towards harmony and balance.   I see that often, what is most convenient and comfortable usually belongs to the realm of the accustomed self and that bringing about more balance either within or without, usually entails some form of stepping up - and it's all good, as long as I don't give in to any petty whinings within!  And that's another kind of balancing act ...

Many thanks to those who've sent in questions for John!  And more are always welcome.

Until next time,