Tuesday 12 August 2014

Snippets from the Fridge!

There's a fridge under all that wisdom
Only five more sleeps until meetings resume at Oasis and perhaps next week I will be able to give you some uber new snippets as John leads us into the New...  Meanwhile, today I thought I would offer you some of my favourite snippets which I have on scraps of paper and post-it notes on my fridge.  They are from old tapes, CDs and informal overseas talks - I never noted that part on my fridge notes, but it's all John and as such, it's all good.  Here they are:

"The softer your heart is,
the less that your past 
is forming the present 
and your future."
"Difficult weather doesn't discourage 
the growth of a tree.
It directs its energy to its roots 
- and the roots grow deeper."
"The finer the reality,
the more awesomely real,  
vibrantly real,
consciousness becomes.
Then it lives more -
but it's living in a higher frequency."

I've been noticing today, once again, the beauty of difficulty; seeing what happens when I'm doing something my self doesn't want to do and how that has me moving deeper within to what is not about such resistance, something altogether more content, even happy, just to be ...  It's always an opportunity to close that gap between what I love relating to that's all deeper and so real, and the accustomed self's distorted version of reality on the surface.

Thanks to those who've sent in more questions recently, another dialogue will occur soon, so you've still got another week to send something in for that one.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Dear John,
    Could you possibly say something about the cause of severe mental illness such as Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder? In the case of my own brother I question how much is to do with genetics and childhood trauma, and I'm also beginning to wonder if delusions within the self could be a contributing factor towards the change in his brain chemistry? Growing up, I remember my brother being very creative in thought, he often had big ideas about what he wanted to do with his life. Could his condition be based on strongly wanting something in his self that he didn't know the truth? Thank you.
