Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Magical Deep

In this often turbulent world, what a blessing it is to be able to go within to what is altogether deeper, calmer and quite magical at times ...  As things generally seem to be getting more difficult on the surface of this planet, I also sense the thinning of the veils and in that, the greater opportunity to be in another dimension by moving as awareness into that which is ever more subtle ...  In having such an orientation at this time, my sense is that much is possible - so long as you are willing to give it everything ...  In my experience, everyone and everything benefits when I make that deeper shift - and it's clear that it's the inside-to-the-outside way that is the only way it works.  Quite a wonderful set-up really, though not always easy!

Once again the annual trip to Nordegg is on  at the end of the month - for more information on that please click here.   And I'm hoping to do another dialogue with John pretty soon, so if you have any questions you'd like to contribute, you know what to do!

Until next time,


  1. Anonymous, from Edmonton7 August 2014 at 09:01

    My question for John is about pain and difficulty and not having a story about it. What am I supposed to say if someone asks me how I am doing? Also, will there come a time when we don't have to experience pain at all? (aside from physically) Thank you.

  2. Anonymous (from Holland)9 August 2014 at 17:36

    Dear John
    You wait to be invited by a question -And do not cross people's boundaries of readiness.
    Should we do the same in our relating with each other ?

  3. Dear John
    Do we become less emotional as we get steadier in living what we know?
    Or are the emotions going to still be there strongly but we learn to dive underneath them ?

  4. Dear John
    How do I let go of this grip of constant concern for my self ?
