Tuesday 23 September 2014

The Ultimate Fulfillment of Everything

 I'm looking forward to John's return to Edmonton and fortunately it won't be long now ... Over the weekend, it was good to watch some of the live-streamed meetings and VODs from the recent Denmark retreat and below are some great snippets from the evening meeting on the 19th of September:

"You don't need your self,
you don't even need the awareness of your self,
for you to be You."
"Your self becomes just like your own being,
if you are purely being You,
without any use of your self,
in the midst of all of your self."
"When you are being the difference
your self becomes just like You."
"It's amazing
it's real 
and it works."
"You're at home in This
   before and after you die."
I loved hearing John speak of how, when you're coming from Pure You, "everything moves seamlessly."  And how that pure continuity moves "from your innermost all the way through to your outermost."  He then summed it up by saying:  "It's the ultimate fulfillment of everything."

Mmm ... that subtle shift, not of this world, in this world and all beyond...  
It's so wonderful to have John demonstrating that seamlessness to us in many ways and always ... and I look forward to seeing more of that pure continuity (in him) this Saturday at the Oasis movie night.  And of course it's only a few short weeks until the Autumn Seminar begins - for more information on that just click here.

Until next time,


  1. Hi John, what would you say is the role of seriousness in what you teach? Does one need to be deadly serious to be able to move as the pure you that you speak of? or how then does one get to the continuity of being? Thank you.

  2. Hi John,

    Are humans automatically born with souls or do we earn a soul as we evolve and is it different for different individuals?

    Thank you,
    Mr. Anderson
