Tuesday 12 May 2015

More Right-side Up-ness

You would think that by now I'd be used to the coming and going of John with regards to his overseas seminar trips.  But I am always surprised and amazed by what occurs in me when he returns from such a trip and I am in his presence once again.  Always surprising!  As I spoke to him in the cafe the other day, it's like - in me doing what I can and 'going for it' I feel things are going pretty well - but then he's back and I feel like I've only been in the paddling pool and now - woah! here's the ocean!  And of course, I dive right in...  
In diving in to what John embodies, any concerns which have been taking up attention and energy on the surface and in one's self, soon wonderfully dissolve.  
As he spoke to me at that cafe table, he embodies my Being, and that's why there is such a natural response and deepening in me when I'm around him; the level he embodies is the level, in truth, I also belong to.  The depth of that response is always somehow unexpected and I'm always so very happy when he does return - and I realize, all over again, the value of being in his presence.  I love his Right-side Up-ness.  
Giving more form to our Being is what being here with him is all about ...  And then there is his transmission in the meetings to really take us deeper and deeper, fortifying that unseen frequency of deeper Beingness and Love within us.  He makes that Knowing, that frequency of deeper Beingness, so available.  Like Moses parting the waters, he makes that nectarful frequency so wide and available in the meetings.

Dear ones, the most recent dialogue with John in still in the works and I am hoping to be able to upload it very soon, I'm fairly sure it will be ready for next week's Post.  And I do not know when the next dialogue with John will occur, and that's why I've not been inviting you to send in your questions.  But if you're not in a great hurry, of course you can still send in your questions for him here, in the form of a comment, and you can also send in any comments and questions to me also - and the latter I can answer here on the Blog much more quickly.

Before I sign off, here's a few little Love Snippets of Truth from John, the first from Sunday's afternoon meeting, (about the importance of coming from what is deeper within than the accustomed and conditioned self):

"What you're moving as
matters a lot more than
what you're moving through."

And one from Sunday's evening meeting, (short but to the point): 

"As awareness relaxes,
   awareness returns to Love." 

Until next time,

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