Tuesday 24 May 2016

Expansion and movement

Here at Knowledge College we've been lapping up John and his transmission, with an extra meeting tonight and then one more on Friday before he heads off to Sweden and then on to Denmark, (click here for details). 

I loved John's transmission last night, in which he opened up the deep so vastly it was as wide as the cosmos itself.  It is this kind of unseen learning and higher knowledge that makes it all worthwhile, allowing the possibility to awaken to what we truly are.  Increasingly for me that is all about expansion and movement, for in the deeper levels awareness moves in the unseen in such new and exquisite ways, with the potential and possibilities being literally endless.  In the meetings, John's a portal to all that, with his transmission magnifying those deeper levels and subsequent all different laws of movement and discovery.  On the surface, things are somewhat chaotic in my life, matching the unremitting outer worldly chaos.  Understanding the levels within and without make it somewhat easier to be in all of it; with the knowledge of where best to have one's feet, so to speak, being increasingly important.  With that being all about what you most deeply and quietly Know and not the surface level appearance of things.

If you're able to be with John overseas in the coming weeks, enjoy it, imbibe it, digest it, love it!  And if, like me, you get to stay home and 'guard the nest' awaiting our master's return, there is always homework; cutting edges; our individual and collective 'next's.'  For as separate as we seem to be, we're all in this together are we not?

Until next time,

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