The longer I am with John, the more I love his direct and to-the-point way of teaching Truth; it's core-splittingness is everything! With so much wrong conditioning, misinformation and distortion on the planet, to have him and his teaching available to put me rightside up and help me to stay there, is a god-send. Although he's away right now in Israel about to give a four day retreat, those of us who can't be there for that can always tune in to the live streams on the internet. For more information on that, please click here. It's a great way to keep in touch and I'll be watching some of those live streamed meetings from Israel for sure. And today I thought I'd offer up a few more golden snippets from the recent lovely retreat we had with him in the mountains:
"When you are in
entire response
your self [as in a child toward a parent] comes in."
"What is possible for you
in what you are
is far removed [is far greater] from
what is possible for you
in who you are."
"Entire response requires no time."
"As soon as you know
you don't need time
for anything."
"Put your belief,
which is your power,
into Knowing."
"In the moment that you know me
run me over. [in a meeting where John was inviting the questioner to respond on a deeper level. To me he was saying something like: as soon as you know me on a deeper level, instantly go to that deeper level and beyond... a lovely invitation]. "
With several weeks to go until meetings resume here in Edmonton, I've got my homework (and the live streams) to keep me going in what I know, and in that, the littlest bit is everything ...
Before I sign off, a word about the next dialogue podcast with John - it is in the works, but due to some complications it will take a little longer this time before it can be uploaded. Meanwhile, as always, please send in your questions for John as a comment below, and thank you, I love getting new questions!
Until next time,
Hi John, My question is around separation and feeling disconnected and lonely, can you please speak about why people feel separate? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi Shanti, hi John, What does it mean to be unconditional with the other person in a relationship?
ReplyDeleteHi John, what is your understanding of the kundalini and the purpose of it within the human make-up?
ReplyDeleteLeon - Sydney AU
Hi John, Is sadness real? Should I express my sadness when I feel it? I think I cover it up and pretend its not there. I have heard you say we don't belong to sadness but when I go to my heart I feel the sadness.