Tuesday 2 September 2014

The Alien in the Woods

Apparently John mentioned this, to look for the alien in the woods, at an informal gathering.  For me, the alien was simply yet more newness, more otherness, from John, as his transmission continues to become finer, making this Nordegg retreat a powerful event.  Perhaps the most magical moments occurred in the informal gatherings.  For sure, the one I attended on Sunday morning was cosmic and quantum, with John speaking to us about needing now to be in the heart and then later, "when Greater Reality comes in - you'll need to be in your being..."  More snippets from that special gathering below:

"Being a being has to do with
moving exclusively in other realms ..."
"You're not needed 
in the evolution of the universe
until you're in full response,
 then you're needed."
"With entire response,
you can't be into quantum mechanics,
you enter it.
For a scientist to enter quantum mechanics
it's self is going to go into a blur."
"Whatever your response is
determines the shift 
of what you're standing on."

And from another informal gathering, on Monday:

"What you are 
is just purely magical.
That cannot be comprehended 
by who you are."
"Gas up Knowing
      - and it'll go."    

Wandering back to my tent one night, I happened upon the last few minutes of an informal gathering.  As I stood leaning against a pine tree under a canopy of stars, the crackling fire warming those gathered around John, the atmosphere was simply enchanted.  Of course, the magical days in the mountains with John were over in an instant, leaving precious memories and something altogether more precious ... Ah yes, that alien in the woods was really something ...
Perhaps next week I'll have some more snippets for you from that Nordegg retreat, or maybe something from the weekend meetings to come, but that's it for now.  And I look forward to receiving more great questions from you to ask John in the next dialogue, just type it as a comment below - and thanks.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Hello Shanti, thank you for your podcast interviews with John; you have that happiest of qualities of an interviewers of asking follow-up questions one would like oneself.

    My question for John today is whether he would like to say anything about psychedelics generally as an aid for exploration and/or expansion of awareness.
