Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Being a child of your own heart

Unusually we had a meeting here last Tuesday and when the questioner spoke to John about being and working in this world, John spoke that it matters little what you do in this world and "that first you are a child of your own heart and from there a student of your deeper levels."  A little later on he said, "This world will pass away, while you - with all of your deeper levels - continue .."  Towards the end of that meeting his transmission was so strong that when he walked off the stage many of us were left still somewhat glued to our chairs. 

Alas he's off globetrotting again, about to give a four day retreat in Netanya, Israel - and I miss him already.   Although, for those of us not able to be there, at least we can keep in touch via the wonderful webcasts - and for more information on that, please click here.

Meanwhile, being as we are still alive, we continue to get plenty of opportunity to evolve in daily life by opening and softening in our heart, especially when life triggers patterns in the accustomed self and there is the tendency to close and harden, to justify and point the finger.  In choosing instead to open and soften within, we can learn to be a child of our own heart, putting the greatest value on learning how to sustain that sweetness within, in the midst of what isn't like that, in this world ...

Until next time,

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