Tuesday, 8 September 2015

No longer being a student of this world

Here at Knowledge College,
we are learning a very different modality, as awareness,
to that which pervades this tired old world ...
Having been relatively silent in meetings of late, John was in fine form on Sunday afternoon, giving us a great discourse on the deeper levels of our Being and how that requires the giving up of all personal power and no longer being a student of this world ...

"The surface levels of your Being,
as you come into them,
are not an affront to the middle ground in your self
- the deeper levels of your Being are.
The deeper levels of your Being,
as you are called into them,
bring you into the power of your Being.
As you come into the power of your Being
you cannot retain any personal sovereignty.
That's where you do,
within your middle ground,
come to the end of your road."
John went on to describe how you cannot come into your deeper levels with anything of a split; with any ties to personal use of power.
                                Being one with what you Know is the way ...
"When Knowing masters you
there are no longer two masters.
For you to be all of reality within, Knowing
on every level needs to master you
- and then you are your Being -
the surface levels all the way through to the deepest levels."
"As you come into the deeper levels of your Being,
you cannot keep what this world
and it's student mean to you
- your accustomed self is a student of this world -
fashioned by it and made for it."
We are learning all the time here from the moment we are born, and yet it's not until we come across a True teaching that we can begin to uncover reality from within our own deeper levels within - that we begin to discern what is actually True, rather than the accepted mass belief system, handed down through the generations.  I said to someone the other day (before the start of the above meeting), that what we are doing here is "the cutting edge of humanity" and that's truly how I see it.  This short window of time here with John, attending (Real and all Deeper) Knowledge College is magical, challenging and so deeply good - above all, it's such an opportunity ...
Until next time,

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