Tuesday 20 March 2012

Cutting Edges

I love it when I hear John speak of having a 'cutting edge'. I understand this to be around any area in my relationship to my self/life in which I know there needs to be positive change and expansion. For example, one of my current cutting edges concerns communication. To enjoy that 'little bit within that I know is true' is one thing, yet communicating from such a clean and clear space is definitely a learning curve. But, as John says, 'loving Seeing' is oh-so helpful on this journey Home, as Seeing is often painful isn't it? Yet John brings us home through the heart, softening those cutting edges... And the more I see and Know, the more I can be and do... and it gets easier and more difficult! Easier as I grow in heart understanding and more difficult as my capacity to handle more cutting edges grows concurrently!
Ok, I just drew a graph to illustrate the point:
Regarding my recent delightful dialogue with benevolent Baba, it's still in the works and will be uploaded soon!
Before I sign off, a little bit from my time in The Chair on Sunday evening...
It was so lovely and so good to meet with John in the Deep and to speak what was in my heart. He was so helpful and beautiful; lovingly guiding my Way... At one point I told him, 'you're so clean' and indeed he gave me some wonderful guidance on how to clean up my own act... I have since been a busy cleaning lady, which has seen the tears spilling out, leaving me already feeling a little lighter. Integrating what I Know is true, seeing the change in my self (and sometimes in the face of the other as I happily clean)... what a gift.
Until next time,
P.S. Don't forget to post new questions for John in the Comments under this post, just click on the blue 'comments' word directly below, (and if you scroll down and click on the 'comments' word under each post you can read already published comments). I'm anticipating another q&a session with John soon!


  1. Dear John,
    It's so hard to give up the known (meaning the self and wanting and needing patterns and really soar into the deep without hesitation, I wonder if I will ever give up my ground and just be in the sutble even when there's lots of difficuly.I do love truth but obviously not enough to keep doing it.

    1. This question was answered by John. To listen to the Podcast please go to the Post titled 'This Lucky Life.' Thanks.

  2. John mentioned the different levels of awareness, as awareness of the person, of the self and the IT. How to distinguish and consciously move between the levels of awareness?
    And related to that: I know as awareness, how to go finer within. And I have a sense,  but I am not really sure, in which way best to go deeper within?

  3. John can you please speak to what you see is the ultimate relationship between student and teacher.
    I have watched many projections arise and have been curious about the unfolding of my relationship to you. The most significant is the need of a personal exchange. Is it necessary or a hindrance for there to be a personal closeness between student and teacher? My surrender to you is deepening and I am changing as a result of it. I feel that even close proximity isn't necessary for a deep connection.
    I am just curious how you would vocalize the prefered position a student should take in order to receive what you have to offer.

  4. Dear John,
    I like to ask you about “missed opportunity”. If I’m presented with a stellar opportunity in terms of encountering the more and having the option to choose this because of a knowing to do so. If I don’t do it because of heavy conditioning leading to a resistance and later I see what has happened, what would be the true response to that? If I want to choose it then and possibly the “door is closed” and it is too late.
    Thank you.
