Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Doing your best

For those of us with a strong orientation to live a somewhat deeper life - i.e. not be completely absorbed by the Matrix, forever running around trying to find satisfaction from something outside of us - we do of course still have that surface existence to take care of.  Whilst it may not be what is most important in one's daily life, what we choose to do in this world presents all sorts of challenges as well as opportunities.   I've got a quote on my fridge, taken from an old John de Ruiter tape, which says:

"Being true within
while doing your very best without."

To me, being true within does need to come first and that's all about a deeper orientation; having an open heart and relaxing amidst the craziness of this world and not buying into the Matrix of illusion and tension.  After that, there's the practical necessities such as taking care of your physical body, your home and so forth and how to earn the money which we all need in order to live in this world.   In all of this, it's so key to keep moving forward and not to give up or get disheartened by the difficulties and challenges we face.  For me, it's been challenging trying to get my new website up - yes, it's still on its way! - but I see that such challenges also help me to grow and apply the truth of John's teaching in a practical way - it's where the rubber hits the road so to speak; without the road, there's no traction...  With so much to take care of, there's so much opportunity to keep moving forward and stepping up wherever we see we can do better.  Living life with integrity and applying that honesty in everything that is ours to take care of - that will put a real smile on your face and in your heart too ... 

Until next time,

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