Tuesday, 12 July 2016

The Warrior's Walk

The Summer Seminar here at Knowledge College has now ended, leaving us to put into practice all that we've learned so far.  And whilst it's wonderful to listen to John's words of wisdom and to be imbued with his strong transmission of the Truth, it's quite another opportunity to face the coming weeks of no meetings with a warrior's walk.  It is one thing to walk this world in the way we've been conditioned to walk it, blindly believing the matrix of illusion so ingrained within and without, but to believe instead only what we most deeply know the truth of, is to walk a different path indeed.  This is true whether you are here attending Knowledge College or living elsewhere.  As John spoke during Saturday's evening meeting:

"Give everything to your unseen existence."  

To me, the difference between the illusion constantly presented by living in this world and the real truth within has never been more starkly contrasted, more clear.  As this world continues to move in ways that bring us challenges and experiences of difficulty, the way to walk it is increasingly dissimilar and all unseen.  The warrior's walk is done through what we know is true within and is so different to this world and our wrongly conditioned way of perceiving.  In not relating to life in that old conditioned way - most easily noticed by tension within the physical body and negative thoughts or emotions - we can move instead only according to that subtle and altogether different way of being within.

  "The way within is how you be in your self and your person.
Not informed by this world,
not informed by your sense of self and your past,
not informed by any teaching,
not informed by a learning;
                    informed by you, Knowing."  (JdR, Day 6, Sat 2 July).

In aligning with John's transmission, we are more easily acquainted with this different way of perceiving - that of Knowing - but even if we're not being supported by such a strong transmission, we still Know, still love that quiet resonance of truth within.
Believe what you Know - not the matrix - and know that you are not alone in your warrior's walk.  Every time you align within to that quiet inner yes to what you Know, you are holding hands with your unseen and perhaps as yet unmet brothers and sisters all walking in that same golden light.  The warrior's walk helps not only in your own evolution but that of this planet and far beyond.  Wherever you may be, keep choosing Knowing and give nothing to negativity - you, so quietly, know better.

Until next time,

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