Tuesday 18 September 2012

Cosmic Beingness

It's been a week full of challenges, shifts and openings.  At the start of it I was predominantly in full-blown little self mode, with all of its ensuing grumpiness.  In relating to that, I was fed-up to say the least!  Then on Sunday the afternoon meeting at Oasis was so powerful, that my very cells were blasted and I was left subtly vibrating within...  Thereafter my little self was, thankfully, no longer center stage and I was back where I belonged; re-identified with something much finer, deeper and much more true.

During that meeting on Sunday, John spoke in such a way that I now have even greater understanding of what is required concerning the complete eradication of my little self and its ancient patterning...

Once again, there is so much pressure in my life, both within and without, that I subsequently get to be so sharp - from the moment I awake in the morning - to take care of all the things I know to take care of...

What a ride!  What a cosmic ride amidst all the trappings of the mundane...
 Here's a little taste from that wondrous meeting on Sunday:

"As the top of your being by you comes up through the bottom of your heart into your body and into your self, you come into the fulfillment of your self... 
... The integration of your self isn't without your own sub-conscious.  In integrating your own sub-conscious you develop a complete foundation within your self that is able to support what you are as a being in the form of your self, building a self on this foundation that is just like what your being is instead of being just like the conditioning in your self that you have come into this world with...
... A cosmic being at home within any kind of conditioning... moving as change...  changing what change is."
16 September 2012 -JdR

Before I sign off, I've been unable to upload the recent interview with John as a new Podcast due to circumstances beyond my control - so it is now scheduled for next week's Post.

Until next time,


  1. John, can you talk about the relationship between the different levels of knowledge (i.e. practical knowledge vs. direct profound knowledge) and how factual information differs from what one knows to be true in the heart?

  2. John, I have a question: Can you talk about the pitfalls of traditional activism and also what might true activism look like (i.e. standing up for Truth in the world)?
