Thursday 27 September 2012

Dialogue with John

John de Ruiter
How unusual - a new Post mid-week - but I simply couldn't wait to share the latest dialogue with John, with you.  To hear it now, simply click here.  

There will be a new Post on Tuesday and, as always, if you do have a question for John, please type it in the 'comments' beneath this Post (and short and sweet is best), thanks.

Until next time,

Tuesday 25 September 2012

keep calm and carry on ...

Ok, first up, I find that I am once again unable to upload the recent dialogue with John!  If you are feeling disappointed, join the club... For SURE it will be uploaded for next week.

The fact that I cannot upload it today is actually the reason for the title and image for this week's Post because I just can't do it.  The resulting feelings of frustration, disappointment and distress are with me now and so, as usual these days when such feelings flood me, I am simultaneously in that tiny little bit that I Know the Truth of in my heart.  It is interesting what starts to happen when I do that because it's a bit like taking the air out of a balloon... those upset feelings just start to loose their mo-jo ... And I realize I (the Real I) can not only be ok - it is ok, already, right now!  So then it's like, ok well which one do you want to side with?  The upset, self-righteous one or the one who is entirely capable of keeping calm and carrying on - not only able to keep calm and carry on in fact, but fairly disinterested in all the drama.  There is a tenderness for the part of me which is upset, but it's like a loving wise parent, looking at the upset child and smiling and saying 'come on, you know it's ok ...'

And so, it's ok.  And it will be here next week for you to enjoy ...
Until next time,

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Cosmic Beingness

It's been a week full of challenges, shifts and openings.  At the start of it I was predominantly in full-blown little self mode, with all of its ensuing grumpiness.  In relating to that, I was fed-up to say the least!  Then on Sunday the afternoon meeting at Oasis was so powerful, that my very cells were blasted and I was left subtly vibrating within...  Thereafter my little self was, thankfully, no longer center stage and I was back where I belonged; re-identified with something much finer, deeper and much more true.

During that meeting on Sunday, John spoke in such a way that I now have even greater understanding of what is required concerning the complete eradication of my little self and its ancient patterning...

Once again, there is so much pressure in my life, both within and without, that I subsequently get to be so sharp - from the moment I awake in the morning - to take care of all the things I know to take care of...

What a ride!  What a cosmic ride amidst all the trappings of the mundane...
 Here's a little taste from that wondrous meeting on Sunday:

"As the top of your being by you comes up through the bottom of your heart into your body and into your self, you come into the fulfillment of your self... 
... The integration of your self isn't without your own sub-conscious.  In integrating your own sub-conscious you develop a complete foundation within your self that is able to support what you are as a being in the form of your self, building a self on this foundation that is just like what your being is instead of being just like the conditioning in your self that you have come into this world with...
... A cosmic being at home within any kind of conditioning... moving as change...  changing what change is."
16 September 2012 -JdR

Before I sign off, I've been unable to upload the recent interview with John as a new Podcast due to circumstances beyond my control - so it is now scheduled for next week's Post.

Until next time,

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Questions & Answers

Many of you may waiting for the next Podcast of my recent dialogue with John and it is scheduled to be uploaded this time next week - as always, it will be well worth the wait!!  In it, John answers many more questions and I thought it might be good to give a bit more guidance regarding the sending in of future questions ... 
The main thing I'd like people to consider is the length of their question; basically: shorter is better.  Ideally the whole thing should only be one or two sentences long, so please try and be as concise as possible...  Your question may be deeply personal, or perhaps it's something you feel would be good for many others to be able to hear John's answer to...  In any case, we all benefit from hearing John answering any and all questions!  
And on that note, a heartfelt thank you to all of you who have sent in questions.  

Recent meetings here in Edmonton have seen a predominant return to the format of John speaking to questioners in The Chair (with the odd exception) and my sense of it is that the format is still in flux and will continue to fluctuate for some time ...  I'm enjoying the sense of possibility in that.  And I'm surprised how quickly I have grown used to seeing John without his beard, given what a shock it was at first!  But aside from any lack of facial hair, when I look at John's face now, I can see that he is most certainly going through his own Deepening ... and as such, his face is ever lovelier to behold ...

Until next time,

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Big Fire

I have just returned from four days at the Nordegg camping retreat ... and it was amazing.  We were in the mountains and adjacent to the bluest lake you've ever seen ... the views were simply breathtaking, the snow-capped Rockies, magnificent and majestic ...

The time spent with John during this precious retreat, both in the meetings and outside of them, was deeply deeply good and really special.  Each evening we all gathered around a huge circular fire pit, played music, sang and danced together ... and the energy was high, matching the towering leaping flames of the big fireLast night there was an impromptu gathering around the fire pit once again and, as many had already left, there was a more intimate setting ... It was a meeting with John under the stars unlike any other, which once again went well into the night ...  

The entire retreat in the mountains was truly memorable.  John continued to move us all forward ... and it seems to me that we are now moving at considerable speed.  I loved it all.  At times I was deeply moved in my heart; by the mountains, by others and by John ...

Meetings now resume at Oasis and later in the month John flies to Amsterdam for a four-day Seminar.  For details on that, or to check John's schedule for the rest of the year, please click here.

A new Podcast is in the works ... meanwhile, as always, please type any question you have for John in the 'comments' beneath this Post.

Until next time,