Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Integrating and Tuning In

John de Ruiter, March 2013

Before John left for the Venwoude Seminar in The Netherlands, I spoke to him about when he's away that it's a time for us to integrate and he agreed but added that it's also good to watch as many of the live broadcasts as possible.  Today is the last day of the retreat and fortunately I managed to watch quite a number of the live broadcasts - and that was so good.  And quite amazing to the accustomed small self to feel John's powerful transmission across such a vast distance - but of course, on the deeper levels, such a distance is not a problem.

From the first broadcast this morning, a few snippets:

"In moving into realization we realize deeper and deeper levels of what we really are - enabling us to manifest and create from these deeper levels..."
 JdR Venwoude - 30 April 2013

"Our real nature has to do with the deepest of what we are.  It's where everything comes from and we are able to realize it.  And that requires a letting go of what we're familiar with; a letting go of what we're used to.  The more that you awaken to, the more you'll be letting go of." 
 JdR Venwoude - 30 April 2013

And one from the last broadcast, where he answered a question about the Beyond...

"Belong to it, respond to it, relate to it..."

In case you missed it, on Wednesday last week I uploaded the new Podcast where John answers lots of questions sent in to the Blog.  If you've not already done so, you can hear it bclicking here.  As with all of John's teachings, it's worth listening to more than once.

And as always please type any new questions for John in the 'comments' beneath this post, thanks.

Until next time,

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Latest Podcast

John de Ruiter
Yes - the latest dialogue session I recently recorded with John is now up as a new Podcast - it is the longest yet. In it, John answers many questions sent in to the Blog and his answers are, as always, profoundly good! Simply click here to go to the Podcast and... enjoy! 
And, as always, please type any new questions for John in the 'comments' beneath this Post. 

Until next time,

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Picking up Speed

The title of this week's post is in reference to the general quickening which is being felt by pretty much everybody these days... And in fact John confirmed it when he graced the cafe table at which I sat on Sunday. To give you the context, I had been sharing how I had recently gone from being fully in Knowing 24/7 for several days and then, more recently, I'd been going from one extreme to the other; from being immersed in This to being immersed in deep difficulty... and I likened it to having been "on my horse" and then "falling off" and John said, "you've never been on a horse that's run before." He went on to explain that "the pace has picked up."
John de Ruiter

Indeed it has, but I've still been attempting to get the latest dialogue I recently recorded with John uploaded as a Podcast - and it is almost done! So almost, that I am planning to upload it tomorrow - rather that wait a whole extra week (it was nearly ready today but not quite finished...) So tune back in tomorrow and let's hope it is there!

As John rose from the cafe table on Sunday he looked at me and said sweetly, "Get back on your horse." Yes...

Until next time... (and check in tomorrow evening to see if the Podcast is up).

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Less is More

John de Ruiter 2013 (in Byron Bay, Australia)
As life has continued to truck along at speed there's just not been time to upload the latest John dialogue, but I'm hoping to have it done for you by next Tuesday. As always it is well worth the wait! In it John talks about experiences and how best to be in them. For myself, I notice that the experience of coming from what is deeper and finer in me can often be very subtle and barely noticeable although the Goodness of it is always discernable...  In daily life it manifests all the way to the surface when I see that I'm predominantly calmer and happier in my self. And when my self is in difficulty or feeling the pressure, I soften... I am still integrating after all.

It's all about more beingness and less self.  When I'm close to John, especially during the meetings, my experience is always greater and that's really good too; as my nervous system continues it's own transformation and realignment with It.

Soon John goes to The Netherlands for what will surely be an awesome 7-day Seminar.  If you can be there, be there!

So, new Podcast up next week, with luck - I'll do my best!

Until next time,

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


John de Ruiter March 2013
Yes, proximity matters.  It's something I've heard John say at various times in different ways and it is so clear to me that being close to John and attending as many meetings as I can is tremendously helpful in terms of gaining Knowledge... The best for me is when he sits at my cafe table, which is what happened yesterday - and it was a timely thing, for it reminded me once again of perspective; getting my priorities straight within.  It can be a most subtle shift, but I know when I'm aligning with what is deeper in me.  It is more quiet, more calm and it's like a gentle smile; a knowing smile and there's Goodness in it ... How lucky to have these days with John, these most precious days with the Master ...
It's been a very busy week and I've been unable to get on with the transcript etc to upload the podcast but I'm onto it and it wont be too far off!

As always, please type any questions for John in the 'comments' below. If you're unable to be here with John, at least you can send in a question for him to answer in the next dialogue.  And you can check out his schedule by clicking here.
Until next time,

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Intensity and Softening

The Spring Seminar is almost done and it's been pretty intense ... It feels to me like John's transmission has just been off the charts ... so strong.  It's been a week of intensity and cutting edges for me, at times too cutting and I've not been able to stay sharp... but it became clear that the basics were my ground: ...to stay open and, no matter what I was experiencing, to soften... In that, it has never felt so crucial to watch my step, both my inner step and my outer step...

Before I sign off, a few snippets from the beyond this awesome seminar:

"In awareness returning Home
the habit of separation
and the habit of consumption
fuelled by self importance
is left alone.
Left alone, it dries out."    
 - JdR 31 March 2013

"Honesty Knows."
 - JdR 31 March 2013
"The I in fusion with the self, 
as a self,
stands in clarity...
having need of nothing
continuity standing..." 
 - JdR 31 March 2013
Tomorrow is the last day of this Seminar and there will be much to integrate in the coming weeks...
Meanwhile, as always, please send in any question you may have for John in the 'comments' beneath this Post. The recent recorded dialogue with him was great and I will endeavour to get it uploaded in the next couple of weeks.

Until next time,